Alternative to FireFTP?

Posted by: tfabris

Alternative to FireFTP? - 04/01/2006 19:42

I'm giving Firefox another shot, and I'm trying to fill all the gaps in browser functionality, stuff that I've come to depend on in IE or Maxthon.

One of the things I need is an FTP client that works from within the Firefox browser. Every search I do on this subject nets me "FireFTP", which I've tried and which is not useable, it has so many bugs that cause it to lock up. I just encountered two unrelated bugs in its "initial directory" feature, both of which locked up the software and made it so that I couldn't get to the site I needed to get to.

Does anyone know of other alternatives?
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Alternative to FireFTP? - 04/01/2006 19:53

Not to be snooty, but why does it need to work inside the browser? Is it due to ftp:// URLs? If so, I believe you can configure firefox to use an external client using the network.protocol-handler prefs. I could be wrong, though.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Alternative to FireFTP? - 04/01/2006 20:05

Part of it is personal preference, part of it is me not wanting to alter my workflow, part of it is the specific desire not to have to have Yet Another Piece Of Separate Software (sticking my head in the sand and ignoring the fact that a firefox extension is a separate piece of software), part of it is anger that WinSCP doesn't support normal FTP operations, but mostly it's that I think Firefox has matured to the point where it should be able to provide me all of the functionality that IE did, and this is simply something IE could do.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Alternative to FireFTP? - 04/01/2006 20:39

Isn't there an "ftp://" client built-in to Firefox??

There sure seems to be one there on my Linux box. Maybe only the unices have it??
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Alternative to FireFTP? - 04/01/2006 20:51

I was going to suggest that you use IETab and have it automatically use IE for the URLs that you need it for, but it looks like it doesn't work too well with ftp://username@host/ URLs.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Alternative to FireFTP? - 04/01/2006 20:52

Yeah, but it doesn't support uploading, which, I imagine, is Tony's issue.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Alternative to FireFTP? - 04/01/2006 20:55

Also, I think the full Mozilla has a more complete FTP client than Firefox.
Posted by: gbeer

Re: Alternative to FireFTP? - 05/01/2006 01:58

It's most likely some kind of a secruity risk but have your tried creating a network place.

Open "My Network Places".
Select the task "Add a network place".

The url you want to enter is ftp://[email protected]/pathtofolder

When setup, you have a folder to the ftp account, open it, and just drag and drop, upload or down.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Alternative to FireFTP? - 05/01/2006 03:25

When setup, you have a folder to the ftp account, open it, and just drag and drop, upload or down.

Yes, this is the equivalent of using Internet Explorer to open a URL exactly like the one you just cited. The window behaves the same whether it's opened from IE or from My Network Places.

The trick is that I want to do this from within firefox. Not from within IE, and not from My Network Places.

Hm. There is a firefox extension that allows me to open an IE window from within firefox. Perhaps that would serve the purpose. But it seems like the computer equivalent of taking your bicycle on the bus at that point...
Posted by: RobotCaleb

Re: Alternative to FireFTP? - 05/01/2006 11:14

I was going to suggest that you use IETab and have it automatically use IE for the URLs that you need it for, but it looks like it doesn't work too well with ftp://username@host/ URLs.