Need help from board/electronics type person

Posted by: hybrid8

Need help from board/electronics type person - 16/02/2006 16:48

I need a couple of small USB devices put together (minimal components) and unfortunately don't have enough faith in my soldering skills nor do I have the time to dedicate to trail and error. It would probably take me hours and hours where it would take anyone proficient much less time.

I have schematics and parts lists. We're talking a small perf board, an IC socket, an MCU to fit in the socket, a crystal, a cap and a few resistors, plus a USB cable (or a USB B plug instead). I need two such boards assembled and additionally a small board that can be used to program the MCU serially (also have all the docs for that).

I'll pay for all the parts required (of course) and how about an additional $50 per board? We can discuss that in private though.

Anyone interested in helping me out? I really need these test units put together so I can get some software testing/evaluation completed. Subject to what I get figured out on the software side I will then have a real design project based around this idea that I'd be interested in contracting someone to complete (this would require skills beyond the modest needed to just put together these sample boards).

Thanks for any help. Unfortunately I dont' have any readily available friends locally who can do this. Except perhaps my old boss.... Not appropriate at this stage though.
