What is the best bluetooth headset?

Posted by: burdell1

What is the best bluetooth headset? - 05/03/2006 21:03

I heard different stuff from different people and was wondering what was the best one in your opinion...
Posted by: matthew_k

Re: What is the best bluetooth headset? - 05/03/2006 21:11

This thread is fairly recent. I'm still voting for the HBH-660.

Posted by: FireFox31

Re: What is the best bluetooth headset? - 05/03/2006 22:53

Treonauts is constantly reviewing bluetooth headsets for the palm Treo, but I'd bet those reviews can apply to all phones. A quick search found this review of eight headsets.

I personally have the palm branded bluetooth headset. I'm astonished, in a bad way, that the signal crackles when the phone looses line of sight with the headset. Treo in my left pocket and headset on my right ear gives gives slight crackles. Treo on my windowsill 6 feet to my left and headset on my right ear is nearly unusable.

I guess I was expecting 900MHz wireless POTS phone quality: base station in kitchen, phone .5 acres away in the back yard, clear signal.
Posted by: tman

Re: What is the best bluetooth headset? - 05/03/2006 23:51

I guess I was expecting 900MHz wireless POTS phone quality: base station in kitchen, phone .5 acres away in the back yard, clear signal.

The reception is pretty bad in your case but you have to remember that there is a significant battery size difference in your comparison. The Bluetooth headset + Treo both have to make do with a tiny Lithium Polymer/Ion battery whilst your 900MHz cordless phone has a mains powered base station and a significantly more chunky battery in the phone.