Posted by: Robotic

RGB LEDs - 30/03/2006 18:16

Is this really necessary?
Posted by: SnoopDogg

Re: RGB LEDs - 30/03/2006 18:39

Fo' shizzle!
Posted by: g_attrill

Re: RGB LEDs - 30/03/2006 18:42

A fancy version of those wands you can make with several LEDs and a mercury switch really. Awesome though!

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: RGB LEDs - 30/03/2006 18:42

Ignoring the annoying posturing in the video, typical of people who have these sorts of things, that's actually pretty darn cool.

If only I could point my wheel backwards and put on it a message that said "Turn off your damned brights!"
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: RGB LEDs - 30/03/2006 18:46

Is this really necessary?

No, not really. But it is a clever and interesting bit of technology. And, heck, it's only $12,500 including the Pirelli tires, so how can you go wrong?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: RGB LEDs - 30/03/2006 18:50

I think the technology is really interesting, and the people who came up with it get lots of geek points with me. I'm curious how the system knows the rotation speed of the wheel so that the image works at all speeds.

But I see the following problems:

1. The distraction quotient for other drivers on the road would be so high, I expect that municipalities will quickly outlaw it.

2. It would be the ultimate theft target, and since it's mounted where it's so easy to get to, those things wouldn't last unless you hired an armed guard for every place you parked it.

Still, very cool piece of tech.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: RGB LEDs - 30/03/2006 18:54

1) pretty cool
2) you could probably recoupe some installation costs by pimping advertising space to local businesses. or by just pimping.
3) wouldn't be fun to drive at night if many people had them
4) I'm glad these are surely illegal in Virginia
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: RGB LEDs - 30/03/2006 19:08

I would imagine that there's a rotation sensor in there that works a lot like those rotation counters you see on semi-trailers sometimes. Basically, a heavy weight on the bottom of a pivot so that it knows which way up is. Combine that with an optical sensor and a pulse generator, one pulse for each rotation, and the fact that it won't work at very low speeds anyway, and I think you've got a viable solution.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: RGB LEDs - 30/03/2006 19:11

Or you could attach a magnetic or other proximity sensor to the brake calipers and have the thing it senses rotating with the wheel. That would produce less wobble.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: RGB LEDs - 30/03/2006 19:13

That would produce less wobble.

I think that method would produce zero wobble. I seem to recall seeing a bit of wobble in the video, so I'll bet it's handled more like your first method.
Posted by: SonicSnoop

Re: RGB LEDs - 30/03/2006 20:30

Oh I wish i could put those on my VW Bug
Posted by: music

Re: RGB LEDs - 30/03/2006 21:56

I can't watch the video because I am currently browser plugin impaired.

However, I assume you guys are talking about somebody who took
one of these or these and stuck them on a car wheel, right?

If so:
(a) it IS cool, and
(b) you're only $37.50 away from doing it yourself.

Nerds with bling.
Let's get busy, people!
Posted by: music

Re: RGB LEDs - 30/03/2006 22:05

It looks like pimpstar has the commercialized version of this.

If you feel like spending $19,500 instead of $37.50.
Posted by: msaeger

Re: RGB LEDs - 30/03/2006 22:12

Nope it's a video of the pimpster thing.
Posted by: gbeer

Re: RGB LEDs - 31/03/2006 03:27

That would produce less wobble.

I think that method would produce zero wobble. I seem to recall seeing a bit of wobble in the video, so I'll bet it's handled more like your first method.

The wobble in the video could be from video strobing, like how the wagon wheels sometimes seem to go backward. Nothing to do with how it's clocked.
Posted by: g_attrill

Re: RGB LEDs - 31/03/2006 07:42

Or you could attach a magnetic or other proximity sensor to the brake calipers and have the thing it senses rotating with the wheel. That would produce less wobble.

I am pretty sure it would be that method. There is some kind of interface to supply power and/or data to the wheels so it's probably solved within that problem.

Posted by: music

Re: RGB LEDs - 31/03/2006 18:22

Or you could attach a magnetic or other proximity sensor to the brake calipers and have the thing it senses rotating with the wheel.

I am pretty sure it would be that method.

Or you could follow the links I posted earlier to see a complete discussion of the Hall effect sensor in this application and how it monitors the rotation, complete schematics for how to build one, and the software needed to program said hardware.

Or you could continue to ignore those links and ramble on about how it might be done. Your choice.
Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: RGB LEDs - 31/03/2006 21:24

Well yeah! I mean, how could anybody charge $20 grand for somethign that's available for free on line? You'd think people would buy $2000 AC power cords...oh wait...nevermind...

Posted by: gbeer

Re: RGB LEDs - 31/03/2006 22:03

Or you could attach a magnetic or other proximity sensor to the brake calipers and have the thing it senses rotating with the wheel.

I am pretty sure it would be that method.

Or you could follow the links I posted earlier to see a complete discussion of the Hall effect sensor in this application and how it monitors the rotation, complete schematics for how to build one, and the software needed to program said hardware.

Or you could continue to ignore those links and ramble on about how it might be done. Your choice.

Party pooper!