Anyone Else Hooked Up To FON Yet?

Posted by: Cris

Anyone Else Hooked Up To FON Yet? - 02/07/2006 15:48

FON seems like quite an interesting idea to me, so I have just put an order in for a router. I am not a fan of the pricing structures for WiFi access when out and about, and this seems like quite a different solution.

Anyone else tempted? Or already on?


Posted by: Cris

Re: Anyone Else Hooked Up To FON Yet? - 03/07/2006 16:28

Hmmmmm, looks like it is just me who thinks it's a great idea then?


Posted by: andym

Re: Anyone Else Hooked Up To FON Yet? - 03/07/2006 18:20

I only had a quick look at the site you linked, so would I basically be providing internet access though my existing ADSL connection through this access point to anyone who wants it?
Posted by: Cris

Re: Anyone Else Hooked Up To FON Yet? - 03/07/2006 18:34

Yes, and in return you can use anyone else's connection that is also on FON. Anywhere in the world. It does get a little more complex than that, but that's the basic idea.


Posted by: andym

Re: Anyone Else Hooked Up To FON Yet? - 03/07/2006 18:37

Ah right, could that violate your AUP with your ISP? I remember reading about people in the states getting bollocked for sharing their connection with everyone.

Also, if someone decides to download child porn using my AP, how do I prove to my ISP (and probably the police) it wasn't me?
Posted by: Cris

Re: Anyone Else Hooked Up To FON Yet? - 03/07/2006 18:52

You have to log into the system with a FON username and password before you can access the internet, you can view this log on your account page at FON. I am sure at this early stage there are plenty of bugs to iron out, but I plan to give the AP it's own IP (I have 5 spare) and firewall it from my other network and use another NIC in my clarkconnect box too. On top of this I will restrict bandwidth to 128k for example, so no one can rack up huge bandwidth costs for me.

There is much discussion about sharing your internet connection, I think in the UK you can share it with your "neighbour" but I think that is alittle open as a statement. As for your ISP, if mine stops me I will just move to another one. I spent years with BT out of loyalty, and after seeing the light I wouldn't hesitate to move from Zen if they stopped me doing what I want from my internet connection.


Posted by: andym

Re: Anyone Else Hooked Up To FON Yet? - 03/07/2006 18:57

That was my only reservation, I think a community WiFi system is really cool, I'd certainly find it useful. The amount T-Mobile and BT want you to fork out for access in public places is fscking extortionate, those things must pay for themselves within a week.
Posted by: julf

Re: Anyone Else Hooked Up To FON Yet? - 04/07/2006 17:35

Ordered their router, hasn't arrived yet.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Anyone Else Hooked Up To FON Yet? - 04/07/2006 21:01

Mmmm... Just gotta figure out how to split my existing connection between direct-wired and the FON-wireless. I don't trust their firmware for either my internal LAN or any outbound traffic from it. Not to mention that I've got servers running on the line as well, all under a single IP address.

I suppose I could put their router on an isolated second internal LAN here (DMZ style), and configure the main firewall/router to pass their traffic without hinderance. I wonder what ports/services they require to be exposed on the outside?

Posted by: peter

Re: Anyone Else Hooked Up To FON Yet? - 05/07/2006 06:43

I'm a bit wary of a service that appears to publish the complete addresses of houses known to be full of electronic equipment. Though I suppose nowadays a burglar could just hit a house at random and be reasonably sure there was going to be a PC or two...

Posted by: Cris

Re: Anyone Else Hooked Up To FON Yet? - 05/07/2006 16:01

I'm a bit wary of a service that appears to publish the complete addresses of houses known to be full of electronic equipment.

If you drive down pretty much any street around here, even in the estates, you see countless numbers of WiFi networks already. What I really like about FON is principle that I can usse someone else's connection for checking my e-mail on the move without having to fork out for a full hour of WiFi access. I think it can work if enough people adopt the idea and they bring in some kind of bandwidth control etc...

I will wait for my router to turn up and report back


Posted by: peter

Re: Anyone Else Hooked Up To FON Yet? - 05/07/2006 16:50

I will wait for my router to turn up and report back

OK, we'll be wanting burglaries-per-year figures on your house from before and after installation

Posted by: andym

Re: Anyone Else Hooked Up To FON Yet? - 05/07/2006 16:57

I will wait for my router to turn up and report back

OK, we'll be wanting burglaries-per-year figures on your house from before and after installation


Why don't you wait until the router arrives and then tell them the house number was wrong. That way next door gets done over!