Well, I got bored one night...

Posted by: BAKup

Well, I got bored one night... - 08/07/2006 06:47

I got a hold of a PSP a few days ago, and discovered the fact it can do RSS feeds. Wait, not really, what it can do is RSS feeds for podcasts, but not text entries...At least it can save the podcasts to a memory stick for later playback.

Of course, the only way you can add feeds in is through the web browser, and that's a bitch to do. So I go poking around the file system, and find the CHLIST file that has all the feeds in it, found it wasn't really human readable, nor easy to edit. I find some info on the net on how it is formatted, and then go looking for an OPML to PSP converter, and come up short.

To make a long story short, I hacked up a perl script that takes an OPML file exported from RSS readers, and creates the CHLIST file, and as a bonus, it'll check the feed for an image file linked to it, and download it into the directory,

If anyone has any interest in it, here's a link to it: http://www.konosky.org/2006/07/08/my-psp-rss-feed-hacking/

Suggestions, comments, etc will be welcome.