Digg this...

Posted by: JBjorgen

Digg this... - 23/10/2006 09:18

My nephew got posted to digg. My brother (Cybjorg on these forums) noticed that at all the cool places they were going, he always seemed to have his nose in the gameboy, so he started taking pictures of it. Eventually, they started posing them because it got to be a family joke. Someone saw it on flickr and and submitted it to digg. Now we think it'd be fun to make Diggnation weekly recap, so if you enjoy it, please digg it. Thanks.

Posted by: peter

Re: Digg this... - 23/10/2006 10:53

I'm with the nephew on the question of whether Buckingham Palace is interesting or not, but, holy cow, Petra! That's a cool set of photos. I only hope he forgives you later in life for trying to turn him into an internet meme...

Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Digg this... - 23/10/2006 12:25

I only hope he forgives you later in life for trying to turn him into an internet meme..

Well, it wasn't intentional. It was just a family joke until some random stranger submitted it to digg. I suppose that's the risk of having a public photo stream.
Posted by: Robotic

Re: Digg this... - 23/10/2006 13:03

If this were FARK somebody would photoshop him on top of the WTC!
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Digg this... - 23/10/2006 14:56

but, holy cow, Petra! That's a cool set of photos.

Here's a link to the full set of Petra photos:

He's a bit of a shutterbug, so he managed to get some good shots.
Posted by: Cybjorg

Re: Digg this... - 23/10/2006 15:26

The whole Digg thing was quite unexpected. A friend sent me an e-mail congratulating my son on being "dugg". I had to follow the link just to find out what he was referring to. We were amazed to see that one of the photos had been viewed over 11,000 times in less than 12 hours!

I do quite a bit of traveling by myself, but I don't have as many opportunities to take my family as I would like. This set is a work in progress, however, so we'll just keeping adding to it when we get the chance.

I think my son would just be happy if Nintendo sent him a new DS Lite and a handful of games for all of the free advertising.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Digg this... - 23/10/2006 19:02

Well, we'll have to see about Diggnation, but it's on Joystiq now.
Posted by: Cybjorg

Re: Digg this... - 25/10/2006 16:28

It looks like the story has been posted on the Nintendo forums as well.