Excel currency symbol

Posted by: Roger

Excel currency symbol - 30/11/2006 17:20

When I click on the currency format button in Excel, it formats the selected cells using a dollar symbol.

Problem is, I'm in the UK. I'd like it to use the £ symbol.

My Windows regional settings are correct. If I go to the Format / Cells / Currency dialog in Excel, the first symbol in the list is the correct £ symbol.

Same PC, wife's user account, Excel does the right thing.


My google-fu is weak this evening. Although I did find an excerpt from a MS press book that claims that we use the dot as a thousands separator in the UK (we don't).
Posted by: tahir

Re: Excel currency symbol - 30/11/2006 17:27

Which version of Excel? We had similar problems when we upgraded from 97 to 2k, in the end we ended up setting locales in logon scripts (although there has to be a better way).
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Excel currency symbol - 30/11/2006 17:28

Is it possible that you're editing an existing spreadsheet that already had $ defined as its default currency symbol?
Posted by: Roger

Re: Excel currency symbol - 30/11/2006 17:32

Is it possible that you're editing an existing spreadsheet that already had $ defined as its default currency symbol?


I created the spreadsheet using the Right-click / New -> Excel spreadsheet menu option, which creates the file from a template (in C:\Documents and Settings\roger\Templates).

If I create a new sheet using File -> New from within Excel, it works fine.