Easy blog/picture website

Posted by: ShadowMan

Easy blog/picture website - 07/02/2007 11:26

Hi all,

Hunting for help again!

My grandfather (84 years old) has recently gotten into writing his memories from waaaaayyyyyy back and one of my cousins set him up on Piczo (no comments necessary). He's already lost a bunch of writing for some reason or another and would like to avoid that in the future.

Is there an easy website for blogging and photo uploading that I can suggest to him? I was thinking of a combination of blogger and picasa, but I don't know if that will be easy enough for him. Piczo (as much as I detest it) seems to have page layout made simple enough for a 3 year old (maybe that's why there's so many kids on it) but it's not working for him 100% so far.

The other thing I am looking for is a way to save what one types in these boxes before one actually saves it and be easy to recover. I am pretty sure his session timed out and that's why he lost his work.

Any thoughts on this?

His current website is www.johnnjeddore.piczo.com if you are interested.
