SNMP clients

Posted by: andym

SNMP clients - 01/06/2007 09:32

Anyone recommend a good, preferably free SNMP client. Got some hardware to interface to and I want something to test it with before I wade in coding stuff.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: SNMP clients - 01/06/2007 10:21

By "client", do you mean an agent or a manager? From context, it seems like you mean manager.

I assume you just want something that will read all of the SNMP data that the agent has to offer so that you know what to get with your specific program. How about snmpwalk from the Net-SNMP suite? There are Win32 binaries, but they're not GUI.

GetIf is a Windows GUI designed for network-specific SNMP, but it contains a MIB browser. It works kinda okay from my recollection.

Neither of these support collecting traps, though. There's another program in Net-SNMP that will do that, but I forget which one right now. For a Windows GUI, I've never had to do that, but you can try Trap Receiver.
Posted by: andym

Re: SNMP clients - 01/06/2007 11:58

Yes, it's a manager that I'm after. Will give those a try thanks.....
Posted by: andym

Re: SNMP clients - 01/06/2007 13:36

Both of those apps did the trick, even imported my mibs without whingeing, unlike the demo of a commercial app that I downloaded.