Streaming radio help, please.

Posted by: tonyc

Streaming radio help, please. - 14/09/2007 01:41

I like to listen to streaming radio on my Treo, but a couple of the streams I would like to listen to are not Treo-friendly. With those streams, I've had success with the following approaches:

1. Using VLC to "restream" stubborn streams like ASF, or MP3/Ogg streams that are in higher bandwidth.
2. Using MPlayer on my home server to play anything it can play, and darkice/icecast to stream the resulting audio.

Recently, however, a couple of the stations I listen to switched from ASF to FLV streaming, and nothing I have found other than the flash-based player seems to be able to play them.

I could, of course, start up a web browser with the flash-based player and stream the audio with darkice/icecast, but when the stream cuts out, I have no way of restarting it other than manually refreshing the browser.

Anyway, the streams are both hosted on the same streaming network. Here are the URLs for the flash players:

And here are the raw FLV streams:

Attempts to play the FLV URLs with MPlayer and VLC show some attempts to stream, and sometimes some recognition that it's FLV media, but they both choke on them for whatever reason. I know some folks here have done this kind of thing before, and was hoping for some ideas on other things to try.

So, any ideas?