Looking for a wise Google-fu master

Posted by: Dignan

Looking for a wise Google-fu master - 09/03/2008 18:54

I wish to learn the wise ways of the Google-fu masters. My wife is working on her thesis and needs some information that appears to be hard to come by.

What we're looking for is the "Conference Report" on the Americans with Disabilities Act in July of 1990. This doesn't seem like something that would be difficult to find, and seems like it would be in the public record, but my Google skills, while good, are not up to this task, it seems.

Could someone assist? It would be much appreciated...
Posted by: peter

Re: Looking for a wise Google-fu master - 09/03/2008 19:18

House Conference Report 101-596. (Plus a load of other junk in one colossal PDF.)

Posted by: Dignan

Re: Looking for a wise Google-fu master - 09/03/2008 19:50

Perfect! My wife thanks you greatly! She also told me to give you a lot of credit for finding this, as she is a former Capitol Hill employee and she was having trouble...

Mind sharing your methodology?
Posted by: AndrewT

Re: Looking for a wise Google-fu master - 09/03/2008 19:57

I'm not sure whether this comes close to what you were looking for but here's what I would put into a Google search:
site:.gov "conference report" "Americans with Disabilities Act" july 1990
Posted by: peter

Re: Looking for a wise Google-fu master - 09/03/2008 19:58

Perhaps I was helped by not really knowing about US politics, because I started out not knowing what a Conference Report even was. I searched for "ADA documents", and after skipping a bunch of stuff about the programming language, found http://www.dbtac.vcu.edu/adaportal/ where I typed in "1990 conference report". This led to this page which included the phrase "the report of the Conference Committee, H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 596, 101st Cong., 2d Sess. 64 (1990)". Googling for bits of that phrase made it look as if such documents are often referred to in the form "101-596", and Googling "report 101-596" produced that PDF as the third hit.
