Computer games for babies?

Posted by: Roger

Computer games for babies? - 01/12/2008 12:37

Charlie, who's 6 months old, likes sitting on my knee and hammering on the keyboard of my computer.

Are there any computer "games" for kids of this age? Something that responds to his hammering and plays musical notes, or displays shapes on the screen? That kind of thing?

(Windows Vista x64)
Posted by: canuckInOR

Re: Computer games for babies? - 01/12/2008 15:57

The Fisher Price website has some games along those lines. You might also want to check out other baby-toy manufacturer websites.
Posted by: DWallach

Re: Computer games for babies? - 01/12/2008 16:50

You'll probably discover that "substitute" computers for your kid to bang on are no substitute (in the kid's head) for banging on the real thing. At least, that's our observation with our kid.

That said, there are plenty of kid toys, some of which look explicitly like laptops, while costing only $50 and being safely smashable. Unfortunately, they also tend to be loud and obnoxious.

Despite all that, you may find that some of the Flash games put online by your favorite kids' TV shows can be quite engaging. Sesame Street's Flash stuff is remarkably comprehensive.
Posted by: Phoenix42

Re: Computer games for babies? - 01/12/2008 17:21

I saw mention of some software like that in one of the parenting magazines over the weekend. I'll see if I can re-find it for you Roger.
Posted by: tahir

Re: Computer games for babies? - 01/12/2008 17:26

Originally Posted By: DWallach
Sesame Street's Flash stuff is remarkably comprehensive.

cbeebies too.
Posted by: Phoenix42

Re: Computer games for babies? - 02/12/2008 01:01

Roger as promised;
I've not used the software so I can't comment on it, but they do have time limit trail versions, and mention Vista compatibility - though not specifily 64bit.

It was part of a full page ad from in Parents magazine.