The Desert Island *ONE*

Posted by: jimhogan

The Desert Island *ONE* - 13/02/2010 23:50

So I was having some mahi-mahi tacos at the local saloon and a song came on. I remarked to myself that, even after a lot of years, I *never* get tired of hearing that song. And I wonder why that song in particular. I'm actually not a huge fan of the artist/s in question. I think part of it is that the song has a lot of different stuff going on.

OK, so the stupid scenario is this: You pull a Gilligan and you are stuck on the desert island, maybe for 5-10 years. You find an MP3 player, some earbuds and, miraculously, a solar panel and battery charger. But the MP3 player has just *one* freaking song on it.

OK, so what is your best case scenario? What is the one song? And why are you (relatively) happy that, if you only get one song, at least it tuend out to be this one?
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: The Desert Island *ONE* - 14/02/2010 01:27

Originally Posted By: jimhogan
OK, so what is your best case scenario? What is the one song? And why are you (relatively) happy that, if you only get one song, at least it turned out to be this one?

Paula Cole, "The Ladder"
That incredible chord where she multi-tracks. Goosebumps on my arms every time I hear it

You said "Song", rather than "piece of music." Without that restriction, I would choose the fourth movement of Beethoven Symphony #9, or possibly the fourth movement of Schubert's ninth symphony.

Posted by: Dignan

Re: The Desert Island *ONE* - 14/02/2010 04:09


"Change" by Blind Melon. I think I've listened to that song - and I do not exaggerate - at least 300 times (I've listened to their eponymous album at least 200 times). I will never, EVER, get tired of it, and it moves me every time I listen to it.

There are few other songs I can think of that I would never ever tire of. A more recent one for me (recent being the past few years), is "Monsters" by Band of Horses. That song is gorgeous! It has an incredible build. I listen to it every time I'm feeling down, and it somehow picks me up again.
Posted by: boxer

Re: The Desert Island *ONE* - 14/02/2010 08:56

I'd take "Drunk Again" by the Paul Butterfield Blues Band to remind me of what I'd rather be doing! And whilst I held back the tears, I could play air guitar to the, Very passable, guitar solo.

What's yours Jim? Actually I'm joking, but I just can't get it down to one track: So many things for so many reasons!
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: The Desert Island *ONE* - 14/02/2010 10:21

Peter Gabriel, "Solsbury Hill"
Posted by: jimhogan

Re: The Desert Island *ONE* - 14/02/2010 17:33

Originally Posted By: boxer
I'd take "Drunk Again" by the Paul Butterfield Blues Band to remind me of what I'd rather be doing! And whilst I held back the tears, I could play air guitar to the, Very passable, guitar solo.

What's yours Jim? Actually I'm joking, but I just can't get it down to one track: So many things for so many reasons!

I was going to fess up eventually but figured that if I named my choice right off the bat, I *might* be subject to taunts and razzing.

I put my choice in the "puerile guilty pleasures" department:

Aerosmith "Love in an Elevator"

I have been biking to work and find myself humming it as I go over my (one and only) hill. It's just hopelessly upbeat and chock full of licks.

(I would probably put Solisbury Hill on my alternates list. And in the "disappointed in love but still hopelessly upbeat" department there's Squeeze doing "Everything in the World but You".)
Posted by: Robotic

Re: The Desert Island *ONE* - 14/02/2010 20:13

A friend of mine just tripped over this gem and put it up on facebook. I'm pretty easygoing without music, but I think it could put a goofy smile on my face a couple times a month.

If I could change the scenario to be 'Choose one songwriter', well, I'm sure I could manage many more goofy smiles with this one or that one.
Posted by: larry818

Re: The Desert Island *ONE* - 15/02/2010 13:01

Pink Floyd "Echoes"

Partially because I love the song, partially 'cos it's 23 minutes long.
Posted by: pedrohoon

Re: The Desert Island *ONE* - 16/02/2010 06:03

Rainbow - All Night Long

I love the driving beat, it just pounds along.

Oh, and the girl in the video is a hottie too. wink