Samsung spyware?

Posted by: tman

Samsung spyware? - 30/03/2011 20:35

Samsung apparently have preinstalled spyware on their laptops?

If this article is accurate and Samsung are actually installing spyware which does screencaps and keylogging then its got to rate up there as one of the most stupid ideas ever.
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Samsung spyware? - 30/03/2011 21:38

Originally Posted By: tman
Samsung apparently have preinstalled spyware on their laptops?

If this article is accurate and Samsung are actually installing spyware which does screencaps and keylogging then its got to rate up there as one of the most stupid ideas ever.
It cost Sony more than half a Billion dollars just in fines and reparations in the 2005 rootkit scandal, and nobody knows how much in indirect expenses. (For example, I have not given Sony a dime of my money since 2005, and I hope that others have done the same.)

This could make the Sony scandal look like a tempest in a teapot.

My wife has a Samsung netbook that apparently is not affected (there is no C:\Windows\SL directory) but depending on how this develops, Samsung will forever be off my shopping list.

Posted by: tman

Re: Samsung spyware? - 30/03/2011 21:54

Very suspicious but until somebody does confirm it, its just a rumor so far. Would Samsung really be that stupid?
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Samsung spyware? - 30/03/2011 22:25

Originally Posted By: tman
Very suspicious but until somebody does confirm it, its just a rumor so far. Would Samsung really be that stupid?

Put it this way... I wasn't surprised to read that story.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Samsung spyware? - 30/03/2011 23:31

Originally Posted By: tman
Very suspicious but until somebody does confirm it, its just a rumor so far. Would Samsung really be that stupid?

Weren't they the company that had some scandals in recent years involving their president, and then they replaced him with the guy's son? Am I remembering this right at all?

Either way, I wouldn't put it past them. I tend to stay away from them, although their monitors are pretty nice. Their Android tablets are looking sweet too, but I can't stand that they put their damn crapware on Honeycomb.
Posted by: andy

Re: Samsung spyware? - 31/03/2011 08:52

It looks likely that it was a false alarm.
Posted by: larry818

Re: Samsung spyware? - 31/03/2011 10:58

That's gotta be the lamest anti-virus software ever...
Posted by: tman

Re: Samsung spyware? - 31/03/2011 11:23

Originally Posted By: andy
It looks likely that it was a false alarm.

Ahh. False alarm + Misunderstanding from the person that answered the authors query.

Bit of a cockup but not a massive disaster as feared smile
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Samsung spyware? - 31/03/2011 14:19

Originally Posted By: andy
It looks likely that it was a false alarm.
Whew! Lucky for Samsung. If I had been forced to boycott their products, no doubt it would have crippled them financially. smile

Posted by: Waterman981

Re: Samsung spyware? - 31/03/2011 18:17

Whether this was true or not I've already stopped buying their products. The quality is top notch, but their after sale support of their products is horrible.