Instant topic-specific news updates?

Posted by: Dignan

Instant topic-specific news updates? - 02/10/2011 20:12

I feel like there's an obvious answer to my question, but as usual it eludes me smile

There are a few gadgets for which I am eagerly awaiting news. The Nexus Prime/Droid/whatever, the Tivo Preview, and a couple others. In the last month or so I've started to get extremely busy and it's been hard - even with my beloved Galaxy Tab - to keep up with Engadget.

How can I set up some sort of keyword search to notify my of breaking news on such specific topics? Is there an app for this? A desktop application?

Ideally, I'd get a notification in my Android notification bar that would tell me if there were a breaking story on one or more sites for the keyword(s) I specified. I would accept email alerts as well, but not texts (I hate texts smile ).

Is there a way to do this? I'd guess there are a couple RSS readers out there that could do it, and while I'd like to avoid using one because I'd have to keep my computer on at all times, I might consider it.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Instant topic-specific news updates? - 02/10/2011 20:34

I think there are some aggregation apps for iOS that can do this. I can't remember their names off hand, but they're the apps that allow you to tailor your own virtual magazine of sorts containing only the content you're interested in from around the web.

I don't know if the same apps, or similar ones exist for Android devices.
Posted by: Shonky

Re: Instant topic-specific news updates? - 03/10/2011 10:30

Can't you do a "saved" search in Google which I assume would require a Google account but I assume you do if you have Android? That might do what you want.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Instant topic-specific news updates? - 03/10/2011 11:21

Originally Posted By: Shonky
Can't you do a "saved" search in Google which I assume would require a Google account but I assume you do if you have Android? That might do what you want.

Yeah, I've set up a Google Alert, but that's a little...I'm not sure what the word for it is. I'd prefer something more solid. That's why I like RSS so much, because I get every story in chronological order, and I know for certain that I didn't miss one. That's why I was hoping to utilize something like Engadget, so that as soon as a post was made about one of these products I would see it, I don't really want to leave it up to a general web search.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Instant topic-specific news updates? - 04/10/2011 14:01

Another problem with Google Alerts: if I want to have them come up the moment they happen, I tend to get a lot of emails because the same story will get picked up all over the web. For example, today there was a sneak shot of the Nexus Prime (well, about 1/5th of it), and it showed up on a half dozen news sites and blogs.

Oh well, it's fine for now, and I'm actually very impressed with now well it works.
Posted by: Redrum

Re: Instant topic-specific news updates? - 04/10/2011 15:10

I setup a couple custom sections in Google news and that seems to work well for me.