Anyone else using PayPal IPN?

Posted by: hybrid8

Anyone else using PayPal IPN? - 12/09/2012 21:12

If so, have you updated to using HTTP 1.1 headers in the response back to PayPal? Along with the new HOST header? This is required by February 1 2013.

Any issues?

I'm having the following issues:

The "VERIFIED" final response back from PayPal takes minutes to come in after the header data for that response (it's supposed to come in instantly all at once).

PayPal will continually try to send me the same IPN messages. In other words it keeps repeating that IPN because it thinks it wasn't received/acknowledged.

On my IPN transaction list on PayPal's site, there's no response code listed while it's repeating. Successful IPNs all have a 200 code. This is especially odd because if PayPal is sending me the validation response, then it MUST have received my initial post-back. Arrrgh.
Posted by: peter

Re: Anyone else using PayPal IPN? - 13/09/2012 05:47

I've never used IPN, but trouble transitioning from HTTP/1.0 to 1.1 is usually trouble with persistent connections. If you don't want to support persistent connections, are you sending the "Connection: Close" header?

Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Anyone else using PayPal IPN? - 13/09/2012 12:26

Thanks for the info Peter.

I'm not sure it helps yet with the live site, but it seems to get me on my way with the sandbox. If I don't include the close header, PayPal's sandbox test IPN process seems to get hung up (the web page will hang) and eventually tell me it couldn't connect. With the header it comes back immediately with a successful send and I do get everything back to my IPN listener.

Next up I had an issue that PayPal's sandbox itself was adding carriage return and newline to their response code for which the live site does not. Trimming whitespace fixed that and it seems to work.

Now I'm going to shut down the live site to external traffic and test this out there.

EDIT: Tested later the same day that it was OK and went live the next day. Has been working well ever since.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Anyone else using PayPal IPN? - 19/09/2012 13:17

Here it is straight from the horse's mouth:


This is a follow-up to the bulletin we sent on September 12. It has come to our attention that some merchants may have received emails where the sample code snippets had syntax errors. We would like to apologize for the inconvenience and make sure we publish the corrected code snippets. Additionally, some merchants reported that their IPN scripts updated to use HTTP 1.1 get "hung" or take a long time to get a ‘VERIFIED’ response. We are including instructions on how to remedy this issue as well by adding "Connection: close” header in the HTTP request.

I forgot to mention that PayPal's PHP example also had a number of syntax errors. wink