How long is long distance?

Posted by: Dignan

How long is long distance? - 19/05/2014 20:49

I have a weird problem and I don't know how to fix it or tell how much of a problem it is.

My primary number is a Google Voice number. At the time I registered it, I wasn't aware of the location the number was "registered" or whatever you'd call it. Turns out that it supposedly belongs to this area, which is 30 miles from this area, where I live.

Until recently, I had never known there was a problem with this number. Most people using cell phones don't ever have to worry about whether something is considered "long distance." Kids today probably don't even know of a distinction. But I've had people from my area tell me that when they tried calling me on their landlines, they get that old phone company error of "your call cannot be completed as dialed." Unfortunately, they aren't told to try adding a "1" to the beginning of the number, which would fix it.

I don't think there's any way to fix this. How do I tell where the end of the local calling area is for my number? Is it possible?
Posted by: jmwking

Re: How long is long distance? - 19/05/2014 21:32

Originally Posted By: Dignan
I have a weird problem and I don't know how to fix it or tell how much of a problem it is.

My primary number is a Google Voice number. At the time I registered it, I wasn't aware of the location the number was "registered" or whatever you'd call it. Turns out that it supposedly belongs to this area, which is 30 miles from this area, where I live.

Until recently, I had never known there was a problem with this number. Most people using cell phones don't ever have to worry about whether something is considered "long distance." Kids today probably don't even know of a distinction. But I've had people from my area tell me that when they tried calling me on their landlines, they get that old phone company error of "your call cannot be completed as dialed." Unfortunately, they aren't told to try adding a "1" to the beginning of the number, which would fix it.

I don't think there's any way to fix this. How do I tell where the end of the local calling area is for my number? Is it possible?

It's very location specific. You can't presume anywhere that any number is local v. long distance unless you research the specific exchange for a specific location. As far as I know, only the incumbent carrier can tell you.

Posted by: K447

Re: How long is long distance? - 20/05/2014 01:00

The definition of 'local calling area' often has less to do with physical distance and more to do with the amount of calling traffic between exchanges. If there is enough traffic between two 'nearby' exchanges then the pair gets designated as local and any prior long distance restrictions (such as paying more) go away. Do this for dozens or hundreds of exchange pairs in your region and you end up with a semi rules based definition of what is local to what.

On top of the traffic driven rules can be a layer of historical factors affecting calls between exchanges.

If you walked into a house halfway between your house and the exchange providing your Google Voice number, it is quite possible that the owner of that house could call your next door neighbor and your Google Voice number, and both would be 'local calls' for him.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: How long is long distance? - 20/05/2014 02:01

Ugh, thank goodness this is all becoming irrelevant. Thanks for the help guys!