HTTPS Server to test to?

Posted by: Redrum

HTTPS Server to test to? - 03/02/2015 20:52

Hi all,

I'm getting an error sending a file to an https server....

The element type "link" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</link>".

.... I think there is an issue with the server "setup." Does anyone have a http/ssl server I could place one small file on to see if I get this error?

Maybe there are severs out there already. This is kind of out of my expertise.

The file is coming from an application that should just "send the file."

Posted by: canuckInOR

Re: HTTPS Server to test to? - 04/02/2015 17:35

Originally Posted By: Redrum
The element type "link" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</link>".

I don't have a server available for you, but this error is not something that would be generated from a generic upload -- this is a parsing error. Is the application generating this error, or is the error coming from the server? If you are uploading a small bit of HTML code, then my best guess is that the server is parsing the HTML before accepting it as a valid upload -- possibly on the fly during the upload. If the error is coming from the application, then I'd guess the app is doing more communication with the server than simply sending a file.

At any rate, the error sounds like the parser isn't configured (or isn't smart enough to understand) a self-closing tag:
<link "blah" />

<link "blah"></link>
Posted by: Redrum

Re: HTTPS Server to test to? - 09/02/2015 11:36

Thanks. I've found another server and i'm in the process of getting access (security people take forever). The error is being generated from the sending application.

The strange thing is there is no "link" tag in the XML I'm sending. The XML is also valid. I tried another method to send the data within the app (Workday) and I got no error and it said the file was delivered. However it did not show on the server.

After a successful test (I'm pretty sure it will be) on the other HTTPS server I'm going to see if I can get the erroring server people to monitor their logs while I send the file. Hopefully they can see something as well. I tried looking at Workday's logs but this "link" error is really all that showed.