iOS 10

Posted by: gbeer

iOS 10 - 14/09/2016 03:38

First thing I binned was the reworked news app.

Before all articles were listed chronologically without regard to topic.
I liked that.

Now it's by topic the cronologically for one day. Then the topics start over for 1 day back. Repeat.

It's all headlines and icon size images.
Posted by: larry818

Re: iOS 10 - 04/10/2016 22:36

I'm underwhelmed. It seems they're changing stuff just to change them, I can't recall anything they've added since IOS 6 that I've actually wanted.
Posted by: Tim

Re: iOS 10 - 04/10/2016 22:45

Since upgrading to 10, my receiver no longer sees my iPad over Bluetooth or USB. Good times.

I'd recommend holding off until a few patches come out if anybody hasn't upgraded yet.