Off to Macworld

Posted by: hybrid8

Off to Macworld - 05/01/2002 12:54

Ok, I'm off. I have to finish (start?) packing and then hop a plane to California.

If anyone wants to pass by to say "hi" at Macworld, I'll be at the ATI booth (it should be big enough to easily find). I'll be working either the station with Xclaim TV USB on a portable and Radeon 7000 or the station with Radeon 8500 technology demos and Maya.

If I'm not there it means I've got a shift off and might be elsewhere answering tech questions or cruising the floor (if it's morning, maybe catching a few extra zzzz's in bed still


Now I have to dig up my password to bring with me - I'll definitely pop in here from the machines at the booth.
Posted by: grgcombs

Re: Off to Macworld - 09/01/2002 12:09


How many years was I a Macintosh programmer?? (start hitting the toes) How many times did I get to go to Macworld? (Don't bother)

All the spots were always taken up by marketing and sales weenies. Techies aren't presentable to the public, they say. Programmers don't know how to deal with the masses, they say. It's not all fun and games, they say.

Bull[grumble], I say! I wrote the [grumble] thing, don't you think I know enough to talk about it to a bunch of [grumble grumbling] useless [grumble] people who don't know a [grumble grumble] from their own [grumbles]???



Posted by: drakino

Re: Off to Macworld - 09/01/2002 12:29

Thats why I like E3 so much. It seems to have a much higher programmer population showing off the products then any other expo like this. You can actually talk details back and forth to them, and can be quite valuable.

I'm just wondering if anyone else is going to take the lot GoD (RIP) always used as a nice distraction from the main show floors.