Great movie...

Posted by: dmob

Great movie... - 21/03/2002 15:42

Does anyone else think that Detroit Rock City is one of the best movies ever? The characters are hilarious, the plot is simple but entertaining and throughout the whole movie you get to listen to one of the hardest rocking bands in history. I don't know, maybe it's just me but I think it's one of the best.

"I just lost my virginity in a confessional booth! LORD - HAVE - MERCY!!!"
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Great movie... - 21/03/2002 15:46

I don't like the band, but I liked watching it because it was about Detroit!
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Great movie... - 21/03/2002 17:50

I've never watched the whole thing, but I did flip past it on the TV not too long ago and it was less than a minute before someone was puking for (supposedly) comic effect. That a required 50 point deduction for me, which makes it mathematically impossible for it to be the funniest movie ever.
Posted by: robricc

Re: Great movie... - 21/03/2002 18:05

I hate going to the movies. Detroit Rock City was the movie I broke my longest "not going to the movies" streak of 2 1/2 years on. What a disappointment.
Posted by: loren

Re: Great movie... - 21/03/2002 18:35

I think it's a damn funny one.
Posted by: dmob

Re: Great movie... - 22/03/2002 07:19

thank you loren
Posted by: dmob

Re: Great movie... - 22/03/2002 07:21

that's the problem with seeing scenes out of context... you have no idea WHY he was puking.

Try watching the whole thing sometime. I won't say that you will definitely like it, but most people do when they see it...
Posted by: canuckInOR

Re: Great movie... - 22/03/2002 13:42

In reply to:

I don't like the band, but I liked watching it because it was about Detroit!

Detroit Rock City... if that's the movie about the kids going to see KISS, it was filmed in Toronto.

I was walking down Queen St. one day, and saw a poster plastered to a sign post advertising a KISS concert at Cobo. Cool! I got about a block and a half before I remembered that Cobo was in Detroit.

The burger joint (forget the name of it, now) storefront stayed up for several months after the shoot finished before being torn down. Same with the nightclub entrance. Friends of mine thought they'd try the new establishments before realizing they were just sets.

You can tell all the scenes that were shot in Toronto because of the streetcar tracks -- Detroit never had any streetcars that I knew of.


Posted by: jimhogan

Re: Great movie... - 22/03/2002 13:51

Detroit never had any streetcars that I knew of.

I guess that most of us in NA are too young to remember that most cities, even The Motor City had extensive public transit before the big 3 and city planners helped snuff it all out. Sniff.
Posted by: guardian__J

Re: Great movie... - 22/03/2002 14:04

why do people use red, brown and green of the same tone on images on white?
especially with thin lines. Why wouldn't they use colors that are distincly different?
I can not see a single difference in any of those maps (except the one with the blue line) because of color blindness
Posted by: dmob

Re: Great movie... - 22/03/2002 14:24

I am right there with you on the colors. I too am color blind and have a hard time distinguishing between the red, brown and green. It drives me crazy when something that is supposed to show distinctly different train lines, or roads, or whatever, uses colors that are so similar for me.
Posted by: jimhogan

Re: Great movie... - 22/03/2002 14:35

Why wouldn't they use colors that are distincly different?

Interesting point. I'd e-mail the author and ask him/her.

FWIW, most of the lines on that 1932 map are red: streetcars.
Posted by: guardian__J

Re: Great movie... - 22/03/2002 14:58

fortunately, because of this, all images of this type that I make I choose red, yellow, and blue normally, before I start using secondary colors...

( thanks for the tip Jim )
Posted by: jimhogan

Re: Great movie... - 22/03/2002 15:04

fortunately, because of this, all images of this type that I make I choose red, yellow, and blue normally, before I start using secondary colors...

Interesting. If I went over there and found a map that was using yellow against a white background, I'd probably be bitching about that, visibility-wise. I wonder if there is a style guide for color-related stuff. My friend actually specializes in adaptive technology, but he's out of town; I'll have to ask him.
Posted by: guardian__J

Re: Great movie... - 22/03/2002 15:13 has an irratating look to it, but it's the easyist to tell the difference of between the other colors...
and I prefer black backgrounds too...
ask your friend...I'd be interested to hear what he has to say...
I think color blindness is one of the most over looked physical limitations. don't even get me started talking about those horrid new stop lights that only have 3 lights, but the bottom one fades through more then one color...ARRRGHH!!!
I hate that...
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Great movie... - 22/03/2002 15:17

those horrid new stop lights that only have 3 lights, but the bottom one fades through more then one color...

I've never seen one of these. Does anyone have a picture of one?
Posted by: guardian__J

Re: Great movie... - 22/03/2002 15:22

about three years ago when I lived in Dallas they started putting them in. Normally only for right or left turn lanes.
the arrow on the bottom would fade through colors.
That sucks cause I can only tell the color of street lights by the position.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Great movie... - 22/03/2002 15:25

That sucks cause I can only tell the color of street lights by the position.

Exactly. I'm surprised that anyone even allowed such a street light to be made, because the whole reason we have three-bulb signals is for color blind persons. I'm sure there's already lawsuits pending against the cities who have installed such lights.
Posted by: guardian__J

Re: Great movie... - 22/03/2002 15:28

yeah...I hope the stop making them...
I also don't like when it's late at night at the make them start blinking...
at least in places I live I know what the blink as, but when I'm in new places I can't tell what color it is tell I get real close...
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Great movie... - 22/03/2002 21:46

If it's BLINKING it means you should yeild in any case. Don't get so upset that you can't see the colour.

We have amber/green arrow lights in the greater toronto area. If you know their purpose, the colourr doesn't matter very much. They're left turn or right turn signals with a few other distinctions, depending on what other lights/signs are mounted with them.

In Ontario you can turn right on red. The lights at a corner are on the opposite side of the street, so unless there's a sign telling you that no rights are allowed on red for that specific intersection, you stop and you can turn right when there's no cross-traffic. On some intersections, you'll have a dedicated light right-turn light. This way they can have the no-right-on-red for most of the time, but not all the time. Much more common is for left turn usage. Most common form of that is in conjunction with an advanced green. Meaning you can turn left and the on-coming traffic is still stopped on red. The light will turn amber to signal that the advanced state is about to elapse. You can also see a flashing arrow, but the most common still (and the most simple) is a flashing green (non-arrow) to signal advanced state. Left turns will sometimes also have their own red to signal that there will be no more left turns after that initial green - independent of the through-colour.

I still think Ontario has the worst drivers of any place I've ever been - and it isn't because of the signage and lights (they're usually above average as is the road layout and city planning). I don't include myself as one of them.

Posted by: guardian__J

Re: Great movie... - 25/03/2002 16:14

but if it's blinking yellow, you have the right of way (unless another car is in the intersection, of course) but red means you have to come to a complete stop. I'm talking about when they just blink, never change.
I've never seen a light down here in the States blink green. That's weird.
I'm not too upset I've learned to live with it. It just bothers me sometimes, just a little pet peeve.
Posted by: svferris

Re: Great movie... - 25/03/2002 18:04

In Vancouver, they have blinking green lights. When the light initially turns green, it blinks. Then about 5 seconds before it turns yellow, the green goes to a solid green. It's meant to warn you that the yellow is coming up. I think it's to help prevent people from freaking out when the light turns yellow and speeding up to get through a light.

I kind of like it because you'll be about half a block from a light and it'll go to a solid green. You'll know to start slowing down before it's even turned yellow. If it didn't do this, you'd end up like 500 or 1000 feet from the light when it turns yellow, and then you have to make the decision to speed up or hit your brakes. The worst is when the guy behind you thinks you'll go through the light, and you don't.
Posted by: guardian__J

Re: Great movie... - 25/03/2002 18:09

but this could still happen that way too right?
so instead of three states, 1-Go, 2-Yeild, Go if you are to close, 3-Stop
you have 4? 1-Go, 2-Still Go, but speed up because yeild is coming, 3-Yeild, but be careful because the guy behind you sped up because it was solid green, 4-Stop?
I think I like 3 better...maybe your yellow isn't long enough...
Posted by: svferris

Re: Great movie... - 25/03/2002 18:46

You know, I thought of that too when I first saw them. But, the Canadians actually follow it pretty well. Don't think they'd do that here in California.

With yellow lights, I've noticed that it seems to vary greatly depending on the stoplight. It's especially true here in San Diego at the intersections with stoplight cameras. If you haven't heard, there was a big lawsuit regarding them and how the city made the yellow lights significantly shorter to catch people and generate revenue.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Great movie... - 25/03/2002 18:53

Except amber doesn't mean yield or slow down (not in Canada anyway). It means stop (at a regular 3-light intersection). The only difference is that you have to evaluate whether or not you can make the stop before the line. If not, then go through.

Any green that you do not see actually becoming green, is a stale green. You should be approaching the intersection anticipating the amber to drop. There are a few cheats in some areas of Southern Ontario so you know when things are about to happen (light behaviour isn't the same in all areas so it works best for regular commuting).

Some of the pedestiran signals flash or change just before the light is about to go amber. If the pedestrian signal is set to "walk" you are safe in most places around here, because it will first have to switch to a don't walk (hand) and wait around a bit before the traffic light goes to amber.

Posted by: drakino

Re: Great movie... - 25/03/2002 20:33

That is actually the law here as well with the amber lights, just noone follows it real well. I've almost been rearended before for stopping before the light was red.

I think if they implemented the red and amber togther before green here (Like the UK), it would quickly weed out the idiots who always run reds.
Posted by: guardian__J

Re: Great movie... - 26/03/2002 09:18

yeah...I use the pedestrian signal alot to help determine what color the light is, or will be.
Posted by: guardian__J

Re: Great movie... - 26/03/2002 09:25

what do you mean about "the red and amber togther before green (Like the UK)"?
what does this do?
I've been to Europe a bunch, but never the UK.
I'd like to though, but I'm scared of driving on the wrong side
And, yes it is the law...but you do have to be more careful about the idiots behind you. I always take me foot of the gas and have it hovering the brake as I go through a intersection anyways, do to being in a wreck with my Mom driving when I was younger. I generally stop on yellow, but it really depends on who's behind me.
Posted by: Heather

Re: Great movie... - 28/03/2002 12:11

I still think Ontario has the worst drivers of any place I've ever been - and it isn't because of the signage and lights

I second that. I had the misfortune of living in Buffalo for a few years, so I spent a lot of time in Toronto. I learned how to drive in NYC, so I didn't think any city in North America could be too bad to drive in. You people make our cabbies seem like safe and courteous drivers.