Posted by: davec

SPAM - 27/03/2002 19:19

I know I get alot of SPAM, but I never really paid attention, I just delete delete delete. I have a couple of accounts with my ISP and I had forgotten that I turned off forwarding from one I rarely used for an address when it was required to sign up for things I knew would generate SPAM.
I logged today to make sure there was room for someone to FTP a 25Mb file, and lo and behold 2000 messages since late November! And that's from a rarely used address... I couldn't begin to count the amount I get at my regular addrress. Deleting 2000 messages 20 at a time thru a web based system is tiresome, but I wasn't at home and was unable login directly and get them all. The interesting thing was the pattern of the subjects, it was like the SPAM of the Month Club...

Anyone else ever keep track of the amount of SPAM they get?
Posted by: robricc

Re: SPAM - 27/03/2002 22:09

I have an account that collects (almost) nothing but spam. I get at least 15 messages a day. There have been times when I got 80+ messages after 3-day weekends.
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: SPAM - 28/03/2002 11:11

I get on the order of 30 to 100 spam messages per day on average. Some days more, some days less. My spam filters catch nearly all of it. False positives and false negatives mean 2 or 3 leak out into my regular inbox and 2 or 3 real messages leak into the junk pit.

Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: SPAM - 28/03/2002 11:19

I must be lucky or something... I am pretty cautious about posting my email address, and that helps, no doubt. But I'm guessing I average about three SPAM messages a day, and I only have one email address.

Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: SPAM - 28/03/2002 11:39

Since using Norton Internet security, Ad-Aware and getting a new YaHoo address, I have been lucky too. I noticed that some of the spam was based on sites I visited, but never entered info on. They just saw my browsing habits. The worst was last summer when I signed up for a Hotmail account and THE DAY I did, I got 20 spams! NO BODY knew the address yet! :O I also don't post my email address online without swapping the @ for (at) (see my profile).
Posted by: peter

Re: SPAM - 28/03/2002 11:50

But I'm guessing I average about three SPAM messages a day, and I only have one email address.

I guess I'm lucky too; I only get about three spam a day, and I've always used my real email address on web pages and Usenet postings, lkml, Slashdot etc.
