Original empeg gang mugshots on riocar.org

Posted by: tman

Original empeg gang mugshots on riocar.org - 17/04/2002 19:38

Anybody else noticed that more people are interesting in looking at Patrick's cat Pixel than everybody else on the riocar.org photo page here?

- Trevor
Posted by: rob

Re: Original empeg gang mugshots on riocar.org - 18/04/2002 06:29

Can you blame them?
Posted by: Laura

Re: Original empeg gang mugshots on riocar.org - 18/04/2002 18:10

Kind of like when people bring out the pictures of their kids and pets. I would much rather look at the pet pictures. I've upset family members when I don't want to look at the stacks of baby pictures they place in front of me, boring and you've seen one baby you've seen them all.
Posted by: number6

Re: Original empeg gang mugshots on riocar.org - 19/04/2002 00:08

Well, that may be because if you want to get a close up of Pixel, you have to actually click on the picture to make it larger (which then records it as a 'view').
Would this picture of Pixel be a 'mog shot'?

The other 5 'mugshots' are big enough (or ugly enough :-))) to discourage anyone 'clicking through' - hence the low view counts.

BTW: Can anyone confirm what breed of Cat Pixel is, and is there a more up to date picture or him/her available? Patrick?

Inquiring minds want to know - [well actually, my wife wants to rest assured] that Pixel is being looked after and is ok.
Posted by: ninti

Re: Original empeg gang mugshots on riocar.org - 19/04/2002 13:04

See Patrick's web page:

Posted by: pca

Re: Original empeg gang mugshots on riocar.org - 19/04/2002 16:34

BTW: Can anyone confirm what breed of Cat Pixel is, and is there a more up to date picture or him/her available? Patrick?

She is a tortoiseshell type thing, half siamese and half whatever. felis domesticus vomitus, I believe.

14 years old, still going strong, gets me out of bed every day at 9AM so she can sneer at the food I give her then go back to bed herself, little sod.

She had to have six teeth removed a while ago (see, kids, why you should always brush after meals?), and was minty fresh and very disoriented for a couple of days, but recovered nicely.

Here's a couple of pics (see attached)

Posted by: pca

Re: Original empeg gang mugshots on riocar.org - 19/04/2002 16:35

And a closeup
Posted by: pca

Re: Original empeg gang mugshots on riocar.org - 19/04/2002 16:36

And inspecting my repair work to ensure it passes QA.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Original empeg gang mugshots on riocar.org - 19/04/2002 16:41

It's so cute when older pets get a little bit of gray hair around the muzzle like that.

My wife keeps telling me I've got gray tufts behind the ears, but I know she's lying. I don't even have to look. No, I won't look, no need to. I'm telling you, there's no gray hair back there. Yeah, very funny. Sure. Uh huh.
Posted by: Laura

Re: Original empeg gang mugshots on riocar.org - 19/04/2002 17:27

14 is pretty good. I have one cat who is 19 now with a few gray hairs mixed in the black. May she have many years ahead of her.
Posted by: pca

Re: Original empeg gang mugshots on riocar.org - 19/04/2002 17:35

One that a friend of mine belonged to made it to 23 and a bit, which is definitely on the high side for a cat.
