MP3 server software?

Posted by: Nodge

MP3 server software? - 15/05/2002 08:05

Hi, I'm looking for some software to run on my fileserver to act as an mp3 webserver. What I need is something that will display all of my MP3's on a webpage, using the tags for title/artist/album etc and will stream these to any machine on my LAN and to the Internet for when I'm not at home.

It will basically operate just like the Empeg XML web interface but on a PC rather than the Empeg. I've found hundreds of examples of this software but none which really do what I want it to do, or work reliably, or they operate as jukeboxes only which is not what I want.

Any ideas?
Posted by: robricc

Re: MP3 server software? - 15/05/2002 08:09

JReceiver comes to mind:
Posted by: crazymelki

Re: MP3 server software? - 15/05/2002 11:13

Let me know if you have found a good product. I am looking also since a few week for the same software, but didn't found anything useful.

Posted by: matthew_k

Re: MP3 server software? - 15/05/2002 12:56

I actualy just finished a Perl class last week, and one person's final project was exactly this. It was actualy a really cool script from what I saw of it. It presented you with a list that looked similar to windows explorer, and created folders for any real folders in the directory, or any artist which you had more than a certain numer of mp3s for. I'm not sure how it handeled albums, as this was only a five minue presentation. You could click down into the real directories or the virtual directories and select mp3s. It also had a searching interface to look for specific songs.

If you're interested, I can see if he's interested in sharing. You'd have to have a semi-decent knowlege of perl to customize if to be exactly what you want, but it could end up being exactly what you want...

Posted by: mtempsch

Re: MP3 server software? - 15/05/2002 13:11

If you're interested, I can see if he's interested in sharing. You'd have to have a semi-decent knowlege of perl to customize if to be exactly what you want, but it could end up being exactly what you want...

If he's willing to share it, I'm interested...

Posted by: suomi35

Re: MP3 server software? - 16/05/2002 15:32

I've got a buddy working on a perlscripted mp3 jukebox program...I'll keep you posted as it develops