Combining tracks

Posted by: msaeger

Combining tracks - 21/05/2002 20:44

Does anyone know of a ripper that will combine specified tracks ?

I am using easy cd-da and it just does the entire disk regardless of what tracks I select (I thought easy cd-da program used to have a merge tracks option that would do this)

Posted by: mtempsch

Re: Combining tracks - 21/05/2002 23:24

In AudioGrabber you can tweak start and stop points for any track. For instance if you want to rip the entire disk as one track, deselect all but last track, right click on it and set the start point to the start point of the first track (normally 0).
Same procedure to group for instance tracks 3-5 - deselect 3 & 4, set start of track 5 to start of track 3.

Don't know what to use if you want to group say tracks 1, 3 and 5 - possibly best done in the mp3 creation or maybe even after that...

Posted by: msaeger

Re: Combining tracks - 22/05/2002 06:10

I just want to group tracks that are in order like 1 - 13 when the disk has 25
Posted by: mtempsch

Re: Combining tracks - 22/05/2002 09:40

OK, then AudioGrabber (and probably most of the GUI-fied but not totally Dummy-fied rippers) should be able to do what you want. Can't comment on EAC, only used it a couple of times on trouble CDs. But it probably can too.

AudioGrabber is one of very few programs I've spent money on - IMHO definately worth it...
