What's that about Tivo?

Posted by: Dignan

What's that about Tivo? - 21/05/2002 20:58

Um, could someone exlain this Best Buy thing? I just heard something on TechTV that they're making popups for people who fast forward through BB commercials, and promotions for people who don't. WTF?? Like I'm going to stop fast forwarding just for a commercial? Doesn't that defeat the purpose? I'm going to be really pissed if this happens. I suppose I wouldn't mind ads that would sit in the menu system somewhere, but something so intrusive as a popup that's hated all over the internet? What are they thinking?

Please clear this up for me...I can't find much talk about it on the Tivo board.
Posted by: robricc

Re: What's that about Tivo? - 21/05/2002 21:27

It's talked about in this press release. I cannot comment on it yet. AFAIK, seeing this feature requires version 2.5.2 (or 3.0) of the Tivo software. Both of mine are still on 2.5.01.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: What's that about Tivo? - 22/05/2002 00:21

In reply to:

I cannot comment on it yet

Why? Would you be breaking a confidentiality agreement?
Posted by: matthew_k

Re: What's that about Tivo? - 22/05/2002 00:53

Nope, tivo staggers their upgrades so they don't all occur at once. As far as I know you don't have any control over when you get the upgrade.
Posted by: robricc

Re: What's that about Tivo? - 22/05/2002 06:19

Right. The only reason I can't comment is because I haven't received the new version yet.
Posted by: bmihulka

Re: What's that about Tivo? - 22/05/2002 06:58

Luckily I don't watch MTV anymore, because it is [censored]. And I completly [censored] hate Worst Buy and no advertainment([censored] gay) is going to change my mind.
Posted by: loren

Re: What's that about Tivo? - 22/05/2002 11:08

watch the usage of gay there pahdnuh.
Posted by: rob

Re: What's that about Tivo? - 22/05/2002 11:12

watch the usage of gay there pahdnuh.

Yeah Brian, it makes you sound like an American.

Posted by: loren

Re: What's that about Tivo? - 22/05/2002 11:12

Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: What's that about Tivo? - 22/05/2002 11:38

yes..."queer" is much more appropriate and doesn't sound so American.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: What's that about Tivo? - 22/05/2002 12:12

I don't think that was Loren's point.
Posted by: V99

Re: What's that about Tivo? - 22/05/2002 15:26

I've got 3.0[.2002.05.08]; There's a showcase item for Best Buy, which has two (of 6) very odd "Electronic Feng Shui" commercials in there and a Sheryl Crow music vid. On TiVo Central there's a starred "Sheryl Crow Video Exclusive" item at the bottom of the list that takes you to the showcase, which is really freaking annoying when you're used to being able to hit pg-down to get to the Setup item but otherwise benign. No popups or automatically playing them or anything..

[Edit]Okay, just read the press release Rob posted.. The important part is that they require you to ask them to pause and show it; It's just a little icon on the corner of the screen that asks you to hit a key to do it, like when the networks pay TiVo to put the little thumbs-up-to-record icon over commercials for a particular (usually NBC) show.[/Edit].
Posted by: puckalicious

Re: What's that about Tivo? - 23/05/2002 04:38

Let me get this right, you have to pay a monthly fee for TIVO and you still get hassled by advertisements? What a waste of money. I actually considered buying one until I heard this, I'll just stick with my cumbersome ATI tv capture board. It might not be as easy to use but at least it's free and there's no ads being shoved down my throat.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: What's that about Tivo? - 23/05/2002 04:52

Or get a Replay.
Posted by: V99

Re: What's that about Tivo? - 23/05/2002 07:02

If you FF or 30-sec-skip through commercials you'll never see them during their broadcasted commercials, and the menu item is removed easily if you've hacked your box to get a shell... Otherwise it's just a menu you'll never notice unless you're going into Setup a lot.
Posted by: bmihulka

Re: What's that about Tivo? - 23/05/2002 07:30

Ok you gay bastards Lame, probably would have been a better word to use. I just don't think about when I'm typing. Also I am not politically correct, and I think America takes words too literally. This country needs to lighten up. If anyone wants to start an entire conversation about it, please do it through email.

I just reread my original email and realized Loren was talking about another word. But I'm not going to retract what I have above.
Posted by: bmihulka

Re: What's that about Tivo? - 23/05/2002 07:33

I thought there was a thread about foul language earlier?
Posted by: V99

Re: What's that about Tivo? - 25/05/2002 03:35

Now if you guys want something to really complain about on TiVo, this would be the topic...
Posted by: AndrewT

Re: What's that about Tivo? - 25/05/2002 10:28

Tivo really shot themselves in the foot with this Dossa and Joe forced recording and it certainly set the forums alight - that thread has 32 pages so far and is still growing!
Posted by: drakino

Re: What's that about Tivo? - 25/05/2002 23:28

Hmm, with all this recent Tivo and Replay (possible forced reporting of what you watch) mess, I'm glad I've avoided replacing my now bastard DishPlayer. Noone cares about it anymore, so I can just continue to happially skip commercials, 30 seconds at a time. (So much, my button printing is long gone).