ahhhhh? my computer broke...again.

Posted by: visuvius

ahhhhh? my computer broke...again. - 29/05/2002 11:24

It went into standby, and never came back. Now when it boots, it does the checkdisk, then just restarts, but before it restarts, it flashes the attached screen for about half a second. Am i screwed?
Posted by: genixia

Re: ahhhhh? my computer broke...again. - 29/05/2002 11:29

Uhh. It looks like it to me - losing the registery file is rarely helpful. What OS?
Posted by: visuvius

Re: ahhhhh? my computer broke...again. - 29/05/2002 11:34

Posted by: robricc

Re: ahhhhh? my computer broke...again. - 29/05/2002 11:35

I thought you were using 98. On XP I would probably not reinstall. In fact, I can give you little help with XP. If it's anything like 2000, when you boot from the XP CD and it sees an XP install already on the drive there may be an option to repair the install. Try that if it exists.
Posted by: visuvius

Re: ahhhhh? my computer broke...again. - 29/05/2002 11:40

Right, the only thing it gives me is the option to Install and an option to Repair using the Recovery Console. I messed w/ the recovery console which basically gives you a bunch of Admin commands. I really didn't know what to do with them.

I guess my final alternative is to try and reinstall XP over itself, but, is that gonna really F things up?
Posted by: robricc

Re: ahhhhh? my computer broke...again. - 29/05/2002 11:43

If you install 2000 over itself, it doesn't save your settings/drivers. I assume XP is the same way.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: ahhhhh? my computer broke...again. - 29/05/2002 12:03

If it were me, I'd just install Windows 2000 instead of XP.
Posted by: visuvius

Re: ahhhhh? my computer broke...again. - 29/05/2002 12:14

thanks for the input guys. Any idea on what would have caused this. Seriously, i did NOTHING, walked away, came back , GONE.
Posted by: robricc

Re: ahhhhh? my computer broke...again. - 29/05/2002 12:18

My first assumption is flakey memory. However, it could be about a million other things. Another thing is that there is a patch for XP just about once a week. Most of them are security related. Do you happen to be on a school LAN?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: ahhhhh? my computer broke...again. - 29/05/2002 12:22

Any idea on what would have caused this.

Yeah, Windows XP. I'm serious about moving back to 2000.
Posted by: muzza

Re: ahhhhh? my computer broke...again. - 29/05/2002 15:22

I reckon Robricc's on the right track. Win2K doesn't handle bad memory too well. If you have more that one stick in your computer, take one out and see if it helps and then try the other. You may also try putting the BIOS into default settings and resetting the PCI config.
It may just be too far gone.
Install win2K. It's got a few more fixes on the market.