Support response: Is Rio Receiver discontinued?

Posted by: Lumpawg

Support response: Is Rio Receiver discontinued? - 18/06/2002 13:49

From the folks at Rio when asked why they had removed the Rio Receiever from their website:


Dear Valued Customer,

Sorry, the product is not presently available through SonicBlue. We are not
presently manufacturing it, however it is possible more would be built, we
do not have information on any time frame.

I wish they would just come out and say they've discontinued it. If they were really just out of stock, they could have said so on their site. Taking down the product isn't going to drum up requests/demand for more....

Posted by: gperkins

Re: Support response: Is Rio Receiver discontinued? - 18/06/2002 15:16

I guess with jreceiver out there, who cares if they support it? It's harder to set up, but much more useful in the long run. I'd rather have my music in a real db that I could access from anywhere.

Posted by: peter

Re: Support response: Is Rio Receiver discontinued? - 19/06/2002 02:53

I'd rather have my music in a real db that I could access from anywhere.

There's nothing illusory about the db in the supplied server software. But you're right about the access-from-anywhere thing; someone ought to come up with desktop Receiver-protocol players for Windows and Linux. (Yes, Roger, you can stream stuff out of the web server, but that's never going to be as pretty as a native application, or even a Java one.)
