cleaner startup?

Posted by: possingk

cleaner startup? - 12/01/2004 09:41

I have jrec 0.2.5, trio 0.1.4alpha5 installed on a SUSE 9.0 Professional Linux box, and I was wondering if someone could tell me how to have everything start up each time I boot. Right now I have to run start and each time I boot, not that this is a big deal I just figured that there is some shell script I can put those commands in that runs each time I boot the PC. Kind of like the profile.local file that contains all of my export directories. Either way the software is great and typing a few lines isn't a big deal, I figure eventually I will get to a point where I know linux well enough that I won't mess something up and have to reboot every day.

Thanks in advance,
Keith Possinger
four rio receivers and counting..
Posted by: shawn

Re: cleaner startup? - 15/01/2004 12:46

Not sure specfically about Suse, but all Unices have a init.d and rc.d directories somewhere in /etc to allow services and daemons to run. Both the and one of the are pretty much just droppable into that setup. Read up on chkconfig (might be Redhat specific?) and initd. Basic idea is put the script into /etc/init.d, and create symlinks in /etc/rc1.d, rc2.d, rc3.d, etc.. to coordinate startup and shutdown of daemons.
Posted by: FrankyG

Re: cleaner startup? - 15/01/2004 18:41

try to follow this thread. Works for me on redhat.
Posted by: possingk

Re: cleaner startup? - 16/01/2004 15:42

Thank you both for the help, I followed the link on the jrec site and it worked great.