Creating Receiver.arf

Posted by: JeffShap

Creating Receiver.arf - 03/11/2003 18:54

Hi! Can someone tell me how to take the extracted files from receiver.arf and get them back into an acceptable receiver.arf file? I can use tar to extract all of the files and some of the images around are provided as directory structures (for use on an NFS mount), but I'd like to use the original software for pushing the .arf file.

I booted into Linux on my PC, untarred the receiver.arf file into the directory structure that looked great (dev directory has special files, etc.)

Then I created a new tar file by sticking all those files back into a new .arf file.

The RIO (or the PC app) doesn't like the new .ARF file. The filesize is identical. Any options I should specify for the TAR operation?


Posted by: pauln

Re: Creating Receiver.arf - 04/11/2003 01:13

I do a "tar cvf receiver.arf ./"
