Trio, RioT, JReciever and what else ?

Posted by: rsisson

Trio, RioT, JReciever and what else ? - 10/05/2004 10:32

Please forgive the questions, but I am trying to make my RIO receiver "happier"

I am missing something about getting TRIO and RIOT running so that I can play internet radio on my Rio.

I have done the following…

Downloaded the latest JAVA version and installed it on my music server.
Downloaded TRIO and RioT
Extracted reciever.arf to the Audio Manager directory (This seems to work as the manager now loads RIOT successfully)
Extracted Trio into "Program files\Trio"
Edited Trio.bat entries Program Files\Trio and \Java as needed
Edited Trio.XML to point at "arm" and pointed the server to the server's IP address.

Here's where I get lost…

When I try to execute TRIO.Bat nothing happens…

I am missing something….

What ELSE needs to be running? Do I need Jreciever running also? I didn't think so.

I tried some debugging…

I opened a Command screen and manually typed in the batch file.

"Set TRIO_HOME=C:\Program Files\Trio"
"Set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java"

The Set lines took but when I tried to execute

Cd %TRIO_HOME% I got an invalid directory error.
Same on the JAVA command line.

I THINK that the space(" ") in the file name path (C:\Program Files\....)
Is some how messing things up.

Any suggestions?
Posted by: Roger

Re: Trio, RioT, JReciever and what else ? - 10/05/2004 15:00

Any suggestions?

Yeah. Use the PROGRA~1 short names instead.