Seeking input for TINI-based empeg-car peripheral

Posted by: n6mod

Seeking input for TINI-based empeg-car peripheral - 06/07/2003 21:21

So, I'm about to order a TINI and start designing a board to host it and some interface circuitry.

What I have in mind is a smallish box (perhaps slightly larger than a tuner) that connects to the car player via ethernet, and provides the following:

Two serial ports, configurable as follows:
+/-12v RS232 on a DB9 (limited hw handshaking on one port, none on the other) via Maxim driver chips.
OBD-II interface via the appropriate ELM32x chip
GPS module
Dallas One-Wire interface
All sorts of sensors available for this interface.

Personally, I'm going to use the OBD-II and GPS options. The idea is to build a board that will allow you to stuff the components needed for your application, be it OBD-II, GPS, or whatever. I'd like to have one PCB that can be as generic as possible.

The TINI is, of course, field programmable, but I'd like to keep the code in the TINI as simple as possible, probably just a simple terminal server at first. That said, running GPSd and PPPd on the TINI have both been mentioned, and I'd like to see NTPd running there eventually.

I'm looking for input in two areas:
Which GPS modules should I support?
I have some Oncore GT's grabbed on the cheap from bgmicro, so I'll be supporting those for sure. What else do people have, or are available cheap right now? If I can get mechanical docs, I'll try to get a connector and mounting holes in the right place. If you're going to use an external GPS, you'd want to populate one of the "real" RS232 ports.

What am I forgetting?
The TINI has a CAN interface...anyone have a use for that?
Anything else that would be easy to hang off the TINI?

I'm not going to make any promises about how long this will take or what the units will cost (I'd have to sell way am I doing EMI testing) but I'm long overdue for a hardware project, and there are at least a couple of you out there looking for a way to do GPS and OBD-II simultaneously. And this is an excuse to learn Java.

Any and all input would be appreciated.
Posted by: Daria

Re: Seeking input for TINI-based empeg-car periphe - 06/07/2003 21:30

Which GPS modules should I support?

So basically, why not just support anything that does NMEA?

Edit: or do you mean explicitly a wired interface and not protocol? That's probably just TTL-level RS232.
Posted by: n6mod

Re: Seeking input for TINI-based empeg-car periphe - 06/07/2003 22:47

From a software standpoint, I'm going to support passing the serial through (at least initially), so it should handle the same list of protocols that gpsd or gpsapp support, depending on how things go. I could either get gpsd or gpsapp to talk to a socket connection, or port gpsd to the TINI itself. (I'll probably do one, then then other)

What I meant by "support" in this case was putting pads for a connector and mounting holes to attach the GPS module as a piggyback on my board. The OncoreGT has a 10-pin .1" header with TTL serial, +5V/GND, and a pin for a coin cell, which I plan to put on my board.

So if there are other OEM modules that speak TTL or "proper" serial, and I can put a connector in the right place to piggyback the module, I can try to make that work in the board design.

Posted by: Daria

Re: Seeking input for TINI-based empeg-car periphe - 06/07/2003 23:14

supporting the gpsd protocol in the tini shouldn't be a huge deal. plus it's capable of a passthrough over tcp.

The Trimble SVee6-CM3 was the other board bgmicro was selling "for cheap", and is probably the other candidate for support.
Posted by: genixia

Re: Seeking input for TINI-based empeg-car periphe - 07/07/2003 07:49

The SVee6 uses a 2mm 8 way pin header. If you're using eagle then I have component parts drawn out that should allow for direct pcb mounting of either the Oncore GT or SVee6 modules using appropriate standoffs.