Audio / v3.00a3..

Posted by: foxtrot_xray

Audio / v3.00a3.. - 05/12/2003 11:14

Anyone that upgraded to v3.00a3 from v2.00.. can you tell me if it saved your EQ settings?

My two (yeah, it's happening on both) empegs have me baffled..

According to both of them, My EQ is flat. In Hijack I have no "Treble" or "Bass" adjust. Loudness if off. The only thing on affecting audio is Hijack's "Auto Volumne Adjust".

However, in my car, it sounds BETTER than when it did when I had the EQ setup! I know that that's not possible since when I had my Amp/Empeg installed in my Mini, it sounded like effin' CRAP when it was flat.
And I mean it sounds GOOD. I deliberately took extra time getting home last night at 11:00pm to listen to some more music..

So, either my miniscule adjustments to my amp made it sound 10000% times better, or the Empeg HAS my old EQ settings and just isn't displaying them, or there's now a built-in adjustment for Car mode.

(Upgrading, for me, involved wiping the drives with the builder software, installing v2.00, syncin'g up to get the config.ini file, then upgrading to v3.00a3.)

Posted by: mlord

Re: Audio / v3.00a3.. - 14/12/2003 10:52

Dunno about the EQ stuff, but v3alpha supposedly has an entirely new audio decode chain in software (the filter graph thingie), which by itself should improve overall quality a little.
