jemplode under linux - adding songs?

Posted by: jerryfreak2

jemplode under linux - adding songs? - 08/07/2004 19:38

I've used jemplode a lot under windows, and was able to drag and drop whole directories into the playlist window, and it would add em in preparation for sync. But I cant drag and drop with jemplode in linux, and so I cant figure out how to add songs to the empeg. any advice is appreciated, I feel it must be something stupid thats stopping me...
Posted by: tfabris

Re: jemplode under linux - adding songs? - 08/07/2004 20:00

Edit, New Tune.

If I recall correctly, Mike is aware of the lack of drag/drop support in Jemplode under Linux, and it will be in there someday.
Posted by: mschrag

Re: jemplode under linux - adding songs? - 08/07/2004 22:27

This is a limitation of the Java VM on Linux as far as I can tell. I believe it is supposed to be fixed in JDK 1.5 (or Java2 5.0, for those who love retarded marketing names). You can download jdk1.5 beta2 from if you want to try it out.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: jemplode under linux - adding songs? - 08/07/2004 22:29

Ah, I remembered it wrong, then.

Should I put into the FAQ... Q: Drag and drop doesn't work in Jemplode on Linux, A: Update your Java runtime engine?
Posted by: mschrag

Re: jemplode under linux - adding songs? - 09/07/2004 01:08

I don't think anyone has ever actually verified that the new JDK fixes it (at least w/ jEmplode) ... If someone wants to volunteer to try it out, that would be cool. In which case, it does seem like a handy FAQ entry.
Posted by: ricin

Re: jemplode under linux - adding songs? - 09/07/2004 21:43

I just upgraded to JDK 1.5 beta2 and still get the same thing. Namely, drag and drop still doesn't work.
Posted by: mschrag

Re: jemplode under linux - adding songs? - 09/07/2004 23:16

That sucks.