Oooops. Tuner help needed.

Posted by: matthew_k

Oooops. Tuner help needed. - 27/02/2005 22:53

I'm a good bit into my tuner assembly, but I've created a bit of a problem for myself. I've gone and soldered the DS1489 in backwards. It was just at the edge of my abilities to get a wrong-valued capacitor out, I don't think I'm going to be able to get the 14 pin chip out on my own.

Is there a good technique for getting it out? Is there any easy source of this chip so I can just clip the legs off and put a new one in? Digi-Key doesn't seem to stock them, and I couldn't find any at Frys, though I might not have known what to look for.

Matthew (The Veteran!)
Posted by: belezeebub

Re: Oooops. Tuner help needed. - 27/02/2005 23:38

In the city of Tandy the evil and twisted Doctor backwards plots a fiendish plot to destroy yet one more pcats tuner module by using his infamous up-side-down ray on a hapless do-it-your-self”r but just when all hope is lost from across the land a battle cry is heard and up in the clouds a signal arcs a beam of light across the nighttime sky it’s the “RS signal” and as fast as the speed of an electrical impulse our Hero “SOLDER SUCKER Man and his faithful side kick copper wick boy spring into action.

Okay I admit it I haven’t been sleeping well lately.

Basically if you haven’t cooked the part you can remove it go to your local radio shack and get a little blue bulb solder sucker or that little spool of copper wicking use the lowest amount of heat you can to remove the solder (you are using a adjustable soldering iron?)

P.S. you must have a lame fry's not to have solder removing items the frys here has a whole row of just soldering dodads, clamps, irons etc...

Posted by: matthew_k

Re: Oooops. Tuner help needed. - 28/02/2005 04:41

Well, at frys I only really looked for the replacement part.

I went out to Radio Shack (where they asked if I'd like batteries and/or a new cell phone) and picked up one of these. While is has permanently scared the circuit board a bit, I havn't been able to get the chip off. Any technique I'm missing? Just more solder sucking?

Posted by: belezeebub

Re: Oooops. Tuner help needed. - 28/02/2005 12:23

Ekkk 45 Watts is huge be careful