Posted by: tonyc

AAAAAAAAARGH! - 25/09/2000 17:53

Okay. Here's the deal. Did a huge sync last night, filled my Empeg up. Came home, and I had an Emplode window open with some other stuff I had forgotten to sync. Plugged in the Empeg, synced, and now I'm missing 3000 or so files. Some of the files I synced last night are there, others are absent. The weird thing is that some of them I can find by searching, but aren't listed in Emplode. AAARGH! I will be quite upset if I have actually lost files in this ordeal as I spent many hours on a Sunday at work doing this. I now realize that it might have been a bad idea to sync an "unfinished sync" after all this, I guess I wasn't thinking. So... Anyone (Empeg guys?) know what has happened, or what I can do now?


MkII 080000554
Posted by: Oscar

Re: AAAAAAAAARGH! - 25/09/2000 17:59

Sounds similar to the problem I had about a week ago. If you haven't already, get one of the post-1.0 betas and do a re-synch.

Posted by: tonyc

Re: AAAAAAAAARGH! - 25/09/2000 18:01

(replying to my own post... hehe)


The files are on the drive, it seems to be just the database that's out of wack. Can I "rebuild" this? The rebuild that happens after sync doesn't fix this What's a poor boy to do?

MkII 080000554
Posted by: tonyc

Re: AAAAAAAAARGH! - 25/09/2000 18:04

Post 1.0 betas? don't only cool people get those?

MkII 080000554
Posted by: tfabris

Re: AAAAAAAAARGH! - 25/09/2000 18:05

This sounds like the "too-long V2 tag" bug. This has been fixed in 1.01 which should be out RSN.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: tonyc

Re: AAAAAAAAARGH! - 25/09/2000 18:07

Wait a sec. They were all fine earlier tonight. What caused them to all of the sudden disappear?

MkII 080000554
Posted by: rob

Re: AAAAAAAAARGH! - 25/09/2000 18:21

Not if it's an emergency - email [email protected]. In any case, 1.01 will probably be released tomorrow (a candidate went around earlier this evening).


Posted by: tonyc

Re: AAAAAAAAARGH! - 25/09/2000 18:27


MkII 080000554
Posted by: tonyc

Re: AAAAAAAAARGH! - 26/09/2000 08:45

Okay, here is a warning to one and all. Don't copy over your config.ini. I was using a couple different ini files (for different Ethernet addresses) and I ended up copying over the Sync counter. If I hadn't done this, Emplode would have recognized that my sync count was out of wack, and prevented me from overwriting a couple dozen of my fids. The problem isn't as bad as I originally thought, but it is still annoying. If you have to edit your config.ini, use sed to substitute values. I'm sure there's other important stuff in config.ini that you shouldn't copy over, mine is probably just one example of a bad side effect of this. Just a word of caution.

MkII 080000554