Official Emplode 2 under wine layer?

Posted by: toolman

Official Emplode 2 under wine layer? - 06/11/2005 09:12

Has anyone had any sucess using emplode (ie the windows offiicial client) under wine (ie linux/BSD)?

I am playing around trying to get it going, but havent used wine much and no luck so far.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Official Emplode 2 under wine layer? - 07/11/2005 05:21

I thought people had done it successfully as long as they used ethernet to connect to the empeg. At least that's my fuzzy memory on the topic, I could be wrong. In any case, I wouldn't necessarily expect USB to work.

Other notes: 1. Any specific reason you're not just using Jemplode? 2. More specific details about what exactly isn't working, what you have tried to do to make it work, etc., might help us respond more accurately.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Official Emplode 2 under wine layer? - 07/11/2005 11:46

jemplode corrupts my playlists. Still waiting for fixes on that.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Official Emplode 2 under wine layer? - 07/11/2005 13:15

I think that one's been resolved. Seems like it was the most recent revision, but I could be remembering incorrectly.
Posted by: toolman

Re: Official Emplode 2 under wine layer? - 09/11/2005 21:29

Jemplode used to corrupt my playlists too (think it only happens on us with bigg ass HDDs) but version 70 seems to be OK . I just find that jemplode is a bit more cumbersome when organising etc - drag and drop for example. It also locks occasionally - the whole app just freezes. I have given it more memory and stack size on startup but still happens occasionally. Any tips on recommended jvm settings welcome.

EDIT: my current load script:

java -jar ~/empeg/jemplode/jemplode.jar -Xmx512M -Xss4096k -Xoss4096k &

When it freezes it doesnt give a stack overflow nor is the memory useage close to 512M.

JEmplode does some things bertter like download with paths, I just like having both options! trying to work towards completely removing my windows partition.. its one of the roadblocks ysee.
Posted by: toolman

Re: Official Emplode 2 under wine layer? - 19/05/2009 07:43

For the record, Emplode installed flawlessly under wine with Ubuntu Hardy.

toolman@toolbox:~$ wine --version

Seems to work correctly in general, however I noticed a weird bug that is a little worrying.

emplode under wine bug (click for flickr original)

The "refs" field is rendered from the "title" value. Must be a bug, Wines fault I guess?

I am not so sure I want to press the sync button!