stripped screws on hard drive mount

Posted by: Brandis

stripped screws on hard drive mount - 05/12/2005 04:56

I just cracked open my Empeg to see if there is a problem with the hard drive cables and all the screws on the sides that hold the shock mount in place are so worn out that the screwdriver cannot get a grip. I guess when I sent it in to support a few years ago they wore them down. Any suggestions to how I can get these out without damaging the player?
Posted by: SonicSnoop

Re: stripped screws on hard drive mount - 05/12/2005 05:12

Have you tried using a pair of needle nose pliers and see if you can grip em by the sides of the heads? May be a pain but I have been able to get a few screws worn out like that this way..
Posted by: Brandis

Re: stripped screws on hard drive mount - 05/12/2005 05:22

Have you tried using a pair of needle nose pliers ..

Funny you should ask that.. I am actually looking for those right now to give it a try
Posted by: schofiel

Re: stripped screws on hard drive mount - 05/12/2005 12:25

I vastly doubt that - new screws always go in during a service. Both myself and David replaced them as a matter of course with no charge!

I'm not sure what you mean here: are the threads stripped (the screws just turn in the screw holes) or are the heads chewed up?

If it's the former, you will need new sled support brackets with good threads.

If it's the latter, you need pliers with 1cm jaws, and you can easily turn the screws by clamping onto what's left of the heads perpendicular to the casing.

New screws are available.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: stripped screws on hard drive mount - 05/12/2005 12:38

If it's the latter, you need pliers with 1cm jaws, and you can easily turn the screws by clamping onto what's left of the heads perpendicular to the casing.

And you'll need to invest in the proper size Phillips screw driver! I beat up the screws on the outside of the empeg by using a #2 instead of a #1.
Posted by: Robotic

Re: stripped screws on hard drive mount - 05/12/2005 17:20

If it's the latter, you need pliers with 1cm jaws, and you can easily turn the screws by clamping onto what's left of the heads perpendicular to the casing.

And you'll need to invest in the proper size Phillips screw driver! I beat up the screws on the outside of the empeg by using a #2 instead of a #1.

Indeed. Good tools are always the road to a finer fix. Even with the best tools, though, good technique is required; with poor tools, even better technique.
I read once about a 'one-time' method for removing screws with ruined heads. Mix up some 5 minute epoxy and glue your screwdriver into the screw-head. This takes up the missing volume and allows for better transfer of torque.
I'm with the others, though- grab the proud-standing screw head with pliers. I'd even go so far as recommend some Vice-Grip style instead of needle nose, but it's just another idea to try.
Posted by: Brandis

Re: stripped screws on hard drive mount - 05/12/2005 18:15

Well i tried with needle nose and regular pliers and it will not get a grip on those tiny screws. I do not own small channel locks but will see if I can borrow some.
Posted by: schofiel

Re: stripped screws on hard drive mount - 05/12/2005 18:16

Needle nose is just useless. Conventional pliers are better.
Posted by: Brandis

Re: stripped screws on hard drive mount - 05/12/2005 18:20

I vastly doubt that - new screws always go in during a service. Both myself and David replaced them as a matter of course with no charge!

Well I am not trying to point the finger at anyone. I am nothing but pleased with the service I got from David. It doesnt matter how they got this way really..


I'm not sure what you mean here: are the threads stripped (the screws just turn in the screw holes) or are the heads chewed up?

Your right, I used the wrong terminalogy. They are not stripped, but chewed up so that there is nothing for a screwdriver to grip.


If it's the former, you will need new sled support brackets with good threads.

If it's the latter, you need pliers with 1cm jaws, and you can easily turn the screws by clamping onto what's left of the heads perpendicular to the casing.

New screws are available.

Yeah I am working on the pliers method no luck yet.

Where do i get the scews from?
Posted by: mlord

Re: stripped screws on hard drive mount - 05/12/2005 21:19

And these are even better for this kind of job!

Posted by: AndrewT

Re: stripped screws on hard drive mount - 05/12/2005 21:37

If you have a fine blade hacksaw, you could carefully cut a slot for a flat-bladed screwdriver.
Posted by: tman

Re: stripped screws on hard drive mount - 05/12/2005 22:39

And these are even better for this kind of job!

Cool. I'm surprised that they're not more widely available.
Posted by: tman

Re: stripped screws on hard drive mount - 05/12/2005 22:40

If you have a fine blade hacksaw, you could carefully cut a slot for a flat-bladed screwdriver.

Just be careful with the fine metal particles. You'll probably get a few by clamping onto the screw with the pliers as well if you're not careful. You don't want it to short out anything on the PCB.
Posted by: schofiel

Re: stripped screws on hard drive mount - 06/12/2005 10:08

I have about 2 million of them here

Mail me on [email protected]
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: stripped screws on hard drive mount - 07/12/2005 00:48

I have about 2 million of them here

Rob, If I've told you once, I've told you a billion times: Stop exaggerating. :-)
