Building Music Database

Posted by: kendrick

Building Music Database - 30/07/2006 22:24

Everytime I start my empeg I get building music databases, it takes about 30 seconds for it to go through it. Ive tried doin what the site says for manually building the database to fix it. But it still does the same thing. When i try to sync in emplode it goes to checking media for a while, then rebuilding datase for a while then it finishes that and then emplode crashes.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Building Music Database - 31/07/2006 04:47

Did you do an FSCK ? (sub-linked from the database rebuild FAQ)
Posted by: kendrick

Re: Building Music Database - 31/07/2006 04:48

Yea i did a fsck. Then i tried the cat /dev/zero > /dev/hda4 . That errored out , and how the drive is coming up hard disk not found. The drives dont even spin up. So im suspecting bad cable.