
Posted by: craigelliott

Help!!! - 26/10/2000 11:43

Running v1.01rc2... was trying to upgrade to v1.01. During the upgrade, it hung halfway through "Programming flash (Kernel)". I had to hit cancel then unplug the empeg. Now when I try to upgrade to v1.01 (or v1.01rc2) it hangs at "Programming flash (Kernel)" and the bar doesn't move across. Using Hyperterminal I get the following results when applying power to the unit:

empeg-car v0.05 19991011 ([email protected])
If there is anyone present who wants to upgrade the flash, let them speak now,
or forever hold their seems not. Let fly the Penguins of Linux!

e000 v1.01
Copying kernel...
Calling linux kernel...
(undefined instruction vector)

Question 1: What do I do? hehehe
Question 2: Did I lose my music?
Question 3: Did I lose my EQ settings?

Thanks for your help in advance... in the meantime, I'm riding in complete silence. :(

Craig Elliott

P.S. also sent a copy to the empeg guys
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Help!!! - 26/10/2000 14:35

It shouldn't hang during a kernel upgrade no matter what, even if you totally hosed the kernel completely by canceling halfway. Try this:

- Reboot the computer.
- Unplug the power from the Empeg.
- Start a 1.01 kernel upgrade (double check that it's the correct kernel, mark1 or mark2).
- When prompted, apply the power to the Empeg.

See if that fixes it.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: fvgestel

Re: Help!!! - 26/10/2000 15:10

Better turn that around:
- Unplug the power from the Empeg.
- Reboot the computer.

I've screwed things up once that the empeg would ruin my serial port under win2k when it was connected at boot time

Frank van Gestel
Posted by: craigelliott

RESOLVED! - 26/10/2000 15:20

Well, after Hugo suggested that I use a different computer to apply the upgrade, it finally worked.

I was at work (local college) in the computer lab and all the machines are the same... Gateway 233 MMX. I tried the upgrade on four different computers, and still didn't work. When I finally got home, applied the upgrade with no problem using my home computer.

Craig Elliott
[email protected]
Posted by: schofiel

Re: RESOLVED! - 27/10/2000 03:51

What version of the upgrader were you using?

One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015
Posted by: craigelliott

Re: RESOLVED! - 28/10/2000 19:19

It didn't matter what version (v1.01 or v1.01-rc2) I tried to flash with from those computers in the lab. Running it on my home computer yielded no problems.

Craig Elliott
[email protected]