How to remove the MARK from a marked track???

Posted by: brax

How to remove the MARK from a marked track??? - 21/11/2008 18:29

Ok having issues removing a MARK from a marked track. I have tried using the remote (pressing the MARK/Cancel button). I get MARK Cleared and the 2 little explanation marks go away. However when I sync with my computer it still shows the track as MARKED in emplode and in the Empeg itself I get the 2 little explanation marks back, which indicate that the track is marked. I have tried removing the MARK through emplode both under All Tracks and from my playlist but after I sync again it is still MARKED.

Ok what am I doing wrong here it should not be that difficult right?

The way I got to this point is I downloaded a lot of songs from a lot of different artist, and I was using the Mark Track feature to flag me on Songs I liked that I wanted to put in to my favorites playlist. But now I am left with a lot of songs that are Marked.

I have even tried removing the Mark from the song on the empeg and in Emplode and then sync'ing but that just locked up my sync.

running 3.00-alpha11
latest hijack
Posted by: tfabris

Re: How to remove the MARK from a marked track??? - 21/11/2008 19:18

It's possible that you're seeing an artifact of the 3.0 alpha firmware. I seem to recall that there were a couple of minor bugs related to marking tracks that got fixed very close to the end of the 2.0 product lifecycle, and I believe the 3.0 branch didn't get all of them rolled in.

The bug, if I'm recalling correctly, had to do with the very last marked track not properly getting unmarked if you tried to unmark it with emplode. Or something like that.
Posted by: brax

Re: How to remove the MARK from a marked track??? - 21/11/2008 19:32

Sounds like a "feature". Mine is with every track that I have marked, simply it will not remove the mark. Not like it is a huge deal but would be nice to remove them. Now I have successfully removed the mark from a couple of tracks but is not how it should/needs to be done. If I connect to my player and power on the player and remove the mark with the remote and also in Emplode remove the mark then sync it will remove the mark but it will lock up my sync. Again not ideal and really don't plan on doing it to anymore tracks as it locks up the sync and I have to kill it.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: How to remove the MARK from a marked track??? - 21/11/2008 19:40

It's definitely designed so that you should be able to toggle the marks on and off at will. So, certainly not an intentional feature. So I'm pretty sure you're seeing an alpha bug, and you'll need to run the 2.0 final firmware if you want the "feature" to be fixed (and you don't want your synchs to lock up). smile