Jemplode - sorting of playlists

Posted by: fbleagh

Jemplode - sorting of playlists - 25/02/2003 18:21


Just wondering whether it would be possible to add playlist ordering to the dynamic soup playlists.
I am finding the new playlists absolutely wonderful apart from the fact that every time i add an album i need to go in and make sure it is in the right order.

I've also had one occasion when all my sorting disappeared and i had to reorder 200albums ! what a pain in the arse that was.

I would try and develop it myself but i ahve no experience with java, and my other coding skills suck

Posted by: Simon K

Re: Jemplode - sorting of playlists - 26/02/2003 09:40

Same problem here! Went through every single album in my Artist/Album soup, only to find that everything reverted to alphabetical order the next time i sync'ed!!

Posted by: mschrag

Re: Jemplode - sorting of playlists - 26/02/2003 12:53

I wouldn't reorder those soup playlists ... you'll really confuse jEmplode (that has to be a sorted list for the soups to work efficiently). part of the work for this has been done while working on another project -- I need to finish it up on the jEmplode side, though. So it's definitely on the list, just a matter of time at this point.