FromSA 1.1 use Street Atlas 8/2003 to get routes

Posted by: siberia37

FromSA 1.1 use Street Atlas 8/2003 to get routes - 31/03/2003 22:27

I've just released a new version of FromSA which now supports getting routes from Street Atlas 8 and 2003. Note though you have to do quite a bit of legwork to get routes from SA2003. It does seem to work though. Details are in the SA2003 howto file and the readme.txt file.
Download it here
Posted by: tfabris

Re: FromSA 1.1 use Street Atlas 8/2003 to get routes - 31/03/2003 22:30

/me scrambles to download and try it...

Posted by: tfabris

Re: FromSA 1.1 use Street Atlas 8/2003 to get routes - 31/03/2003 22:38

Eww, just read the directions. Messy.

Still, to get good directions out of MapsOnUs, I have to do a similar amount of jumping through hoops, so at the moment it's a lesser-of-two-evils thing.

I hope a more elegant solution presents itself soon. In the meantime, I'll be the one fiddling with the Draw layer.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: FromSA 1.1 use Street Atlas 8/2003 to get routes - 31/03/2003 23:04

Minor typo in the instructions:

"click the Route tab then click Exchange"

There is no Exchange button on the Route tab. It's under the GPS tab.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: FromSA 1.1 use Street Atlas 8/2003 to get routes - 31/03/2003 23:06

Okay, I just did my first route with this method, it's not as bad as it sounds in the instructions. It's a lot of hoops to jump through, but the accuracy of the StreetAtlas directions makes it worth it. And it seems to have created a perfectly valid and correct route file for GPSapp.
Posted by: StigOE

Re: FromSA 1.1 use Street Atlas 8/2003 to get routes - 01/04/2003 00:12

Is Street Atlas the same as Autoroute Express, only US versus Europe? If so , will it also work for Autoroute Express?

Posted by: tman

Re: FromSA 1.1 use Street Atlas 8/2003 to get routes - 01/04/2003 06:21

I've not actually got StreetAtlas so I can't try it out but maybe we could hack something together which would be simpler.

If we use the Lantronix COM port redirector then we'd just need to write the GPS emulator software which can listen to a network connection. The current one wouldn't work unfortunately as it's written to talk to the COM port directly. It would save the hassle of using a null modem cable.

I may actually try writing a basic GPS emulator as the protocol isn't that complicated. It's just making it understand all of the different commands to fake a Garmin GPS.

- Trevor
Posted by: siberia37

Re: FromSA 1.1 use Street Atlas 8/2003 to get routes - 01/04/2003 07:11

I have got pretty far along writing a GPS emulator. The source is in Delphi but it would probably help you a bit anyways. The protocol is not quite what's described on certain websites btw. I had to monitor the serial traffic between GPSemulator and SA to get it to work right. Give me an IM and I'll send you the source I've got so far if you want.
Posted by: siberia37

Re: FromSA 1.1 use Street Atlas 8/2003 to get routes - 01/04/2003 07:21

If your talking about MS Autoroute, you may have troubles. From what I've heard MS mapping products don't support uploading waypoint info to GPS's. You might check though, if Autoroute does support uploading waypoints to a Delorme GPS. If it does then you should be able to use GPSEmulator to emulate a delorme and get the waypoints. Finding out how to get the route shape points may be more difficult though..that would require finding a way to export these points to a file. You may look for any options that could do this.