EmpegVNC and PalmVNC 2.0

Posted by: cushman

EmpegVNC and PalmVNC 2.0 - 06/10/2003 14:31

I recently installed EmpegVNC from wfaulk's website, and it works great from my PC. I'm using the latest RealVNC client on Windows 2000, and all the functions of EmpegVNC work fine with that client. When I try to use PalmVNC 2.0 on my Tungsten C, it tries to connect but then the client displays: "Not Connected!". The serial output of my player displays the message: "client gone". I can use PalmVNC to connect to my desktop running the RealVNC server without problems.

The log of PalmVNC displays the following message:

Opening the network...skipped
Connecting to
Network connected
VNC currentServer supports protocol RFB 003.003
PalmVNC supports 003.003

No authentication needed
Desktop size: 300x93
Desktop name "empegVNC"
Connected using protocol 3.3
Network performance statistic:
sent: 61 bytes
recv: 0 Kbytes
receive speed 84 bytes/sec
Connection closed

Now I CAN start up VNC on my desktop and connect to the Empeg, then start up VNC on my Palm and connect to the desktop and control my Empeg from my Palm! Bitt, do you know of any reason why I'm getting disconnected right after connection?
Posted by: cushman

Re: EmpegVNC and PalmVNC 2.0 - 06/10/2003 14:33

More details: After letting the Empeg set idle for a bit, it begins to display the message: "neighbour table overflow" on the serial output intermittantly. I'm pretty sure this is coming from the VNC server, since I haven't seen it before I installed VNC today on the Empeg.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: EmpegVNC and PalmVNC 2.0 - 06/10/2003 14:40

I have no idea. Honestly, I haven't touched in quite a while. "neighbour table overflow" is not coming directly from my empegVNC, and I don't know why it would create that message elsewhere.

In other words, I'm no help at all, and I've got a big argument at work right now, so I'm unlikely to be any help for at least a few days.
Posted by: cushman

Re: EmpegVNC and PalmVNC 2.0 - 06/10/2003 14:47

Hey, no big deal! I'm sure that it's something minor in your port or how PalmVNC does it's thing. I was installing it for the "gee-whiz" factor more than anything else. If you get a chance to look at it later, cool, if not, no biggie! I think the VNC server for the Empeg is cool just for access over the web anyway. I hope you resolve your issue with your cow-workers.
Posted by: tman

Re: EmpegVNC and PalmVNC 2.0 - 06/10/2003 15:05

"neighbour table overflow" is an error from the kernel ARP code. It's most likely that it's to do with the fact that lo isn't up.