EQ triggered by genre

Posted by: MarkM

EQ triggered by genre - 26/01/2001 17:53

The empeg has the wonderful feature of being able to store 16 eq presets.

Since people usually have different eq settings for rock, classical, country, classic rock, rap, metal, etc. Wouldn't it be cool to have the MP3 genre trigger a specific empeg eq preset?

Has anyone done this?

Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: EQ triggered by genre - 26/01/2001 18:51

...have the MP3 genre trigger a specific empeg eq preset?

I'd like to take it one step further and also be able to hierarchically assign EQ presets at every level, from root down to individual songs. EQs further down the hierarchy would take precedence over those higher up, so that an EQ specified for a particular Song would override the EQ specified for the Playlist which in turn would override the EQ specified for that playlist's Parent playlist, etc. If a song or playlist had no EQ preset specified through the EQ hierarchy, then it would default to the currently selected EQ preset the way it does now.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
Posted by: Roger

Re: EQ triggered by genre - 29/01/2001 05:37

That would require (at least) loading the list of EQ names into emplode/emptool. As soon as we've done that, we'll need to implement a way to back them up. Before you know it, you guys will be hassling us for an interactive EQ editor. I don't know - give 'em an inch, they'll take a mile .

We might get around to implementing this (assigning EQ to songs), but it ain't in v1.1

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: bootsy

Re: EQ triggered by genre - 29/01/2001 19:17

I'd like to second the request for a mile...

Brian H. Johnson
MK2 36GB Blue
"Best to wrap your savior up in cellophane..."
Posted by: gbeer

Re: EQ triggered by genre - 30/01/2001 21:19

Along the lines of skinning the cat another way...

Are there any tools that apply an eq adjustment to the song itself?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: EQ triggered by genre - 31/01/2001 10:45

Are there any tools that apply an eq adjustment to the song itself?

Yes. Any high-level wave editor program will do. CoolEdit, SoundForge, etc.

Remember to apply your EQ settings to the raw ripped wave files before you compress them to MP3 format. You will lose quality if you decompress them from MP3, apply the EQ, then re-compress them to MP3.

Note that some wave editor programs will allow you to directly open and save to MP3 format. This is actually doing that same decompress/re-compress thing I described, it's just doing it "under the hood". You will still lose quality if you try to apply changes to an MP3 file. For best quality, you must work in the original wave format.

Tony Fabris