Can't upload new kernel with FTP?

Posted by: tfabris

Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 11:13

What am I doing wrong?


ftp> open empeg
Connected to empeg.
220 Connected.
User (empeg:(none)):
230 Login okay.
ftp> cd proc
250 "/proc" directory changed
ftp> ls
200 Okay.
150 Opening data connection.
226 Okay.
ftp: 328 bytes received in 0.01Seconds 32.80Kbytes/sec.
ftp> cd empeg_kernel
431 No such directory.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 11:15

Don't try to cd to empeg_kernel -- it's a "file", not a "directory".

Just overwrite it with the new kernel.

Posted by: loren

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 11:28

I'll make that clearer in the FAQ. That's just something i stuck in there to make a full entry out of later... which i'll do.... now.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 11:30

Yes, that was it, thanks.

Loren. Update that in the FAQ. Here is what I had to do:

- Rename my "v221.hijack.v200b11.mk2.zImage" file to "empeg_kernel" on the PC's hard disk.

- Surf to "/proc" on the player and upload the file "empeg_kernel" to the player.

- Pause and unpause the player a couple of times to make the file "take" (still don't know why this happens)

- Reboot the player.

Then the new kernel was in place.

So the instructions in the FAQ to "surf to /proc/empeg_kernel" are incorrect. You do not surf to "/proc/empeg_kernel", you surf to "/proc" and upload a FILE called "empeg_kernel".
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 11:32

Is the advantage to this that you can do a kernal upgrade with a network connection?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 11:33

Yes. Also, it is faster than serial.
Posted by: loren

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 11:49

how's that?
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 11:51

By the way, I've never been clear on why ``ls'' often doesn't return complete listings and ``dir'' does. Not just in Hijack, either. Anyone know right off the bat?
Posted by: mlord

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 11:59

>Once you've got Hijack installed, it will allow you to update the
>kernel via ethernet, which is much faster than flashing via serial

Change that wording to say:

Once you've got Hijack installed, it will allow you to perform
future kernel updates
via ethernet, which is much faster than
flashing via the serial connection.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 11:59

how's that?

Fine, except for empeg_kernel doesn't even show up as a file in my graphical FTP client. I just upload the file named empeg_kernel and it works.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 12:00

That's a bug in your client. But when you do the upload, it really does try to "overwrite" /proc/empeg_kernel.

Posted by: loren

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 12:02

Posted by: mlord

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 12:02

The differences (if any) between FTP ls and FTP dir are on the client side, not the server. Hijack always returns detailed listings. The Linux CLI FTP client I use here does exactly the same with dir as with ls.

Some clients want you to do "ls -l" for details.

Posted by: loren

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 12:04

argh, i had a whole thing typed about that from an old thread... but couldn't confirm it enough to be sure. Are you using CuteFTP?

edit: See this thread.

Looks like some FTP clients have an option to hide system files and the like. Have you checked for that in your options Tony?
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 12:19

So it takes say.... 1 second instead of 2?
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 12:26

Hmmm. Well let me tell you what I see and you tell me why. The Windows CLI FTP client sends ``LIST'' for ``dir'' and ``NLST'' for ``ls''. ``ls'' doesn't show a lot of stuff in /proc, including empeg_kernel. ``dir'' shows it all.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 12:47

Okay, that's just your client software then. NLST means "Names only LiSTing.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 12:50

Right. But it should still show all the files in that directory, which it doesn't, and despite the fact that I put very little faith in Microsoft, I find it hard to believe that they would arbitrarily filter out random data from the directory listing, expecially since they pretty much just stole the client from the BSD source.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 13:04

In reply to:

RFC 959

This command causes a directory listing to be sent from
server to user site. The pathname should specify a
directory or other system-specific file group descriptor; a
null argument implies the current directory. The server
will return a stream of names of files and no other
information. The data will be transferred in ASCII or
EBCDIC type over the data connection as valid pathname
strings separated by CRLF or NL. (Again the user must
ensure that the TYPE is correct.) This command is intended
to return information that can be used by a program to
further process the files automatically. For example, in
the implementation of a "multiple get" function.

Technically speaking, /proc/empeg_kernel is a device, not a file (even though it looks like one, as do all *nix devices), and as such is not normally a desirable item for NLST to show.

Hijack kftpd just returns files and symlinks in response to NLST, not devices, and not directories.

Posted by: Yang

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 13:25

From the same RFC:
In reply to:


This command causes a list to be sent from the server to the
passive DTP. If the pathname specifies a directory or other
group of files, the server should transfer a list of files
in the specified directory. If the pathname specifies a
file then the server should send current information on the
file. A null argument implies the user's current working or
default directory. The data transfer is over the data
connection in type ASCII or type EBCDIC. (The user must
ensure that the TYPE is appropriately ASCII or EBCDIC).
Since the information on a file may vary widely from system
to system, this information may be hard to use automatically
in a program, but may be quite useful to a human user.

So shouldn't LIST not return empeg_kernel either?
Posted by: mlord

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 13:27

No, LIST should show everything, including subdirectories.

NLST is intended (as the RFC says) for use with MPUT/MGET, which really just want files, so that's what they get.

Posted by: tonyc

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 28/02/2002 17:30

So it takes say.... 1 second instead of 2?

More like 5 seconds instead of 1.5 or 2 minutes...
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Can't upload new kernel with FTP? - 01/03/2002 14:38

That makes sense. Thanks. Too bad there aren't standard best-practices documents lying around for this.