jEmplode w/ Win32 USB Support

Posted by: mschrag

jEmplode w/ Win32 USB Support - 11/03/2002 00:19

I finally broke down and wrote a JNI wrapper around the Empeg USB driver on Windows. If you want USB support, you'll need to grab a DLL from the site too along with the usual jar file (you'll find it on ).

I'm still contemplating what my approach will be for USB support on OS X, so you guys are still out of luck USB-wise for now. If anyone has Mac driver experience, let me know -- that would be a great way to help out the jEmplode project.

Also, I changed the layout of the jEmplode website to more closely resemble the Hijack site, since I think Mark's is better for reviewing revision history, etc.


Posted by: mschrag

Re: jEmplode w/ Win32 USB Support - 11/03/2002 00:26

By the way, if you are connected to your Empeg with USB, jEmplode will not use Hijack to upload/download things (currently, it only does that with an Ethernet connection, since it needs to be able to lookup the InetAddress from the connection).
