Hijack v244

Posted by: mlord

Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 08:16

Hijack v244 is now out.

Two changes of note here:
  • khttpd now supports HEAD (needed by Mozilla 0.9.9).
  • the built-in boot animation has been changed.


  • Posted by: mschrag

    Re: Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 08:21

    Hey Mark -- is it true now, then, that their current bootup animation will be overwritten when you update? If so, everyone make sure you backup your animations to disk (you should anyway, just in case).

    Posted by: mschrag

    Re: Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 08:23

    Ohh -- or did you actually change it _in the kernel_?
    Posted by: mlord

    Re: Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 08:43

    I just changed it in the kernel. Any custom animation that somebody has loaded (with JEmplode) will NOT be affected.

    Posted by: justinlarsen

    Re: Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 11:21

    is it just me or is this forum hoping again? man i love this a new thing to mess with ever week.. wonder who will write the next xool program
    Posted by: mlord

    Re: Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 11:28

    I think it's hoping and hopping with new stuff!

    Your turn..
    Posted by: wfaulk

    Re: Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 14:56

    Justin, given the fact that I can't read your posts, and that I'm one of the most fluent English speakers on the board, think of what all of the non-native English speakers think of your posts.

    Please start at least trying to spell properly. And use some punctuation to help us decipher your near stream-of-consciousness posts. Capitalization would help, too.
    Posted by: hybrid8

    Re: Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 15:05

    I'm having trouble understanding exactly what you meant Bitt...

    Posted by: AndrewT

    Re: Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 18:00

    I like the new logo a lot but (as a newbie) I still get a buzz from seeing the original Waving Penguin from the Gods-Of-Empeg in my dash and want to keep it there for now.

    How do I keep Hijack and the Waving Penguin?

    Posted by: tonyc

    Re: Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 18:14

    Yeah I personally like Tux better, too.
    Posted by: tfabris

    Re: Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 18:26

    the original Waving Penguin from the Gods-Of-Empeg

    Aw, shucks.

    How do I keep Hijack and the Waving Penguin?

    A while back, somone posted a copy of the original animation frames (I think it was Mike Schrag?). You could squirt those in as the custom animation.
    Posted by: mlord

    Re: Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 19:16

    Well.. one can easily install Waving-Tux as the "custom animation".

    Or perhaps several of y'all will come up with even better animations, incorporating Waving-Tux and friends..

    Posted by: tfabris

    Re: Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 19:20

    I just tried it... and it didn't work.

    I downloaded and installed the latest Hijack (245) and Jemplode bleeding-edge JAR file (29).

    Then I opened a copy of my original animation that had been posted to this BBS last week. I opened that animation in the Jemplode animation editor. It played back correctly. Tux waved at me, all seemed well inside the animation editor.

    I selected "upload animation" from the menu in the Jemplode animation editor. The computer made a short beep. Then, after a pause, Jemplode reported "upload complete".

    I rebooted the empeg, and it was still the Hijack-penguin animation, not the one I'd attempted to upload.

    Did I do something wrong?
    Posted by: tfabris

    Re: Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 19:28

    Okay, I tried it again.

    This time, I edited one pixel in the last frame (there was an error there that's been bugging me all along, anyone ever notice the one-pixel error in the last frame?). After making the one-pixel edit, I selected the Upload menu item.

    This time, when I uploaded it to the player, the computer did not beep, and the pause between the time I selected "upload" and the time the "upload complete" box appeared was shorter.

    This time it worked.

    Is this a bug in Jemplode? Is Jemplode reporting success even when the upload failed?
    Posted by: mlord

    Re: Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 19:29

    >Did I do something wrong?

    Probably. Just for fun, "read back" the animation after writing it.. just to make sure. I dunno if JEmplode does this or not, but it should. Otherwise, the reboot may happen before the flash has been completely written.

    It works for me (but I don't have waving Tux to try it with, I used another animation).

    Posted by: tfabris

    Re: Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 19:49

    I dunno if JEmplode does this or not, but it should. Otherwise, the reboot may happen before the flash has been completely written.

    Jemplode does not reboot the player after uploading an animation. I hand-rebooted the player myself using the Hijack menu option for that purpose. However, I will concede that I might have done so too quickly. I did wait a few seconds (maybe as long as 20-30 seconds) after the upload was complete before rebooting the player.
    Posted by: mlord

    Re: Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 19:50

    20-30 seconds sounds like plenty.. I was thinking more like 1-4 seconds.

    Posted by: mschrag

    Re: Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 20:14

    Error handling in the animation editor is not very good right now ... it's entirely possible that you had a failure and it said it succeeded Can you check to see if there's anything printing out to the console (or do that stdout redirect thing in the .lax file if you're running it with the .exe). I also am not reading it back off right now ... I'll go try to upload the original animation right now and see what happens. Mike
    Posted by: mschrag

    Re: Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 20:24

    I reboot pretty quickly and it works for me Check your emal -- i sent you the raw file that I just uploaded to my Hijack 245 player (the waving tux).
    Posted by: mschrag

    Re: Hijack v244 - 17/03/2002 20:26

    Yeah -- That was my first attempt. So my feelings won't be hurt if nobody uses it -- just trying to spark some creative animation making.
