jEmplode 30

Posted by: mschrag

jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 13:17

1) jEmplode - "position" of FID's in soup playlists is correct
2) jEmplode - sort by position doesn't take 100 years now (though it uses more ram)
3) jEmplode - column widths are saved
4) AnimEdit - changed error message
5) AnimEdit - reusable "Animation" model
6) AnimEdit - created AnimationApplet
7) AnimEdit - ESCAPE in TextTool cancels text
8) AnimEdit - Text is _only_ committed when you hit enter
9) AnimEdit - Switching frames stops and restarts the current Tool (i.e. clears text)
10) AnimEdit - Read animation back off w/ Hijack to doublecheck
11) AnimEdit - Added File... New...
12) AnimEdit - Confirmation dialogs before clearing animation
Posted by: AndrewT

Re: jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 16:13

Those links didn't work for me, I think they should be:

Posted by: mschrag

Re: jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 16:21

Yeah -- you're right ... my bad (my internal website has it in /jemplode). I edited the original post so it is correct now ... thanks.

Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 16:26

Mike, you are kicking some serious butt with the program lately! (And to think you we under the impression we were getting tired of you keeping us up to date!)

Off Topic: For all the old timers, who thought that one day we'd REALLY have all these cool tools and 3rd party aps AND have them all work together? I know the empeg was designed to be hacker friendly, but did everyone really think that we'd have such a full featured emplode type progam or HiJack or all the patches for it or the logoeditor/kernal flasher, etc etc??

I feel we are in the Golden Age of empeg programming... (at least before the Mk3 gets sold). Lets hope it lasts a long long time!
Posted by: justinlarsen

Re: jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 16:44

ya no kidding im almost running out of wishes, it seems almost everyone get answered, the only one i wish is to have the animtions loop as a visual, which im almost certain will never happen so im not getting my hopes up.. but i love the work guys.. just love it.. thanks to all of you
Posted by: mschrag

Re: jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 16:46

Thanks -- I think since people said they wanted updates, I've averaged a release a day or something You get on a roll and it kind of perpetuates itself ... I just installed Tom's slick HTML front-end to my player today too -- I love seeing people writing apps for the Empeg. Hopefully more companies will see just how much open-sourcing your interfaces and protocols helps you in the long run... The Empeg is in that perfect niche where there are so many possibilities -- it's just limited by free time as to what you can do with the thing.

Posted by: mschrag

Re: jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 16:49

Not that this one would be my bag, but I imagine this request would be a tricky one... Visuals sync up to the music, so you'd have to come up with a definition of what "syncing" your animation would mean... Maybe in the general case, it would mean just varying the playback speed so that frame transitions match the beat? It's hard to visualize what that would look like ...

Posted by: tonyc

Re: jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 17:33

Oh, I'm not running out of wishes...

I agree that programming has reached a new level as the user base has expanded and as we've been fortunate enough to have talented developers become Empeg geeks. The knowledge of the platform has expanded quite a bit as we've all hacked our way around, and it's finally becoming well known and somewhat standardized. It really is a neat thing to see, and I think as long as there's people who want new features and people with the knowledge and time to devote to it, we'll be seeing a lot more neat stuff.

BTW Mike, have you thought about a user app installer (kinda like InstallShield) integrated into jEmplode? We were discussing possibilities over in another thread...
Posted by: fusto

Re: jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 18:02

"I feel we are in the Golden Age of empeg programming..."!

Now if only somebody would invent the empeg cotton gin we'd be all set.

Posted by: loren

Re: jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 18:28

Yeah, i think the next BIG STEP (tm) would be to have a standardized directory on the hard drive where all userland apps would be stored, and an easy installer for the userland apps. Maybe a web based kernel builder where you could check what you want in the kernel, and you get a custom kernel to download... this was discussed a while back and would ROCK. The problem right now is that anything that isn't in Hijack and has to be patched in isn't to accessible for non *nix people.
Posted by: mschrag

Re: jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 20:05

Send me the link to the thread and I'll take a look at what it would require.
Posted by: mlord

Re: jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 20:05

>The problem right now is that anything that isn't in Hijack ...

Such as?
Posted by: tonyc

Re: jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 20:18

Here ya go. Check the follow-ups, too.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 22:14

This is a thread you should read. See what happens when people who want something don't see a thread where that something is being offered? And when people who have something to offer don't see the threads where people are asking for it... (I think I took care of that with my reply in that thread)

Posted by: tonyc

Re: jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 22:23

This is a thread you should read. See what happens when people who want something don't see a thread where that something is being offered? And when people who have something to offer don't see the threads where people are asking for it... (I think I took care of that with my reply in that thread)

Yeah I kinda glossed over that thread thinking it was just about the "starter" thing, I didn't get to the bit about an installer. I'm finding it harder and harder to keep up with all the divergent threads lately. I think if the topic of a thread changes, it should be reparented so it's a new thread. With work, grad school, and my side programming projects (some of them Empeg related as you well know) diving through these threads can be a real pain in the arse!

Thanks for the tip. I'll just drop a "me too" in there to see what this guy's come up with. jEmplode is a good spot for it, though, since many people are starting to realize just how good it is, and all the bells & whistles (screen grabber, animedit, etc.) add to the whole deal. If it were a little faster on sorting, etc. and keyboard shortcuts were more prevalent, I'd have no need to use Emplode.
Posted by: mschrag

Re: jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 22:27

What sorting are you having problems with? What columns are you sorting on, and how many entries are in the playlist? 30 fixed a NASTY problem with sorting on Position.

Keyboard shortcuts = easy ... Let me know what needs shortcuts and what keys they should map to and I'll put them in.

Posted by: tonyc

Re: jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 22:43

What sorting are you having problems with? What columns are you sorting on, and how many entries are in the playlist? 30 fixed a NASTY problem with sorting on Position.

Keyboard shortcuts = easy ... Let me know what needs shortcuts and what keys they should map to and I'll put them in.

I think I'm still on 28 or earlier, can't remember. Keyboard shortcuts, well, the menu bars would be a good place to start. Alt-F for file menu and the like. Buttons like the ones in JAnimEdit should have alt-keys as well. But the menu bars are the ones I would use the most.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 23:27

Hmm. Problem here. jEmplode prerelease 30. I thought I had read somewhere that with jEmplode it was easier to keep a PC directory structure "in sync" with an Empeg, like if you drag and drop a folder, jEmplode tried its best to just put the new songs from that folder tree on. Am I imagining these conversations, or was this really implemented?

Anyway I took a medium-sized subtree of my music and tested it out, and the import seemed to stall forever. Like many many minutes. Trying to cancel did nothing, so I had to kill the task.

Also, when my database is loaded, it says "error, check unattached items" and we all know unattached items doesn't exist anymore. Furthermore, Emplode doesn't find any errors with my databaes, so this is kind of a "false positive." This database is brand new, since I deleted all my FIDs and database files last night and re-uploaded everything.
Posted by: mschrag

Re: jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 23:39

There is a bug that I just found with removing nodes (trying to optimize some sorting issues in 30). That will be fixed in 31 ... What part of the import stalled? Did you ever get any progress bars? What was the last progress message it displayed?

Did the unattached items problem always appear in jEmplode or only since 30? Has it only been since you removed all your tunes?

Do you run jEmplode with the .exe file or the .jar? (So i know to tell you the right way to turn on debug data)

Posted by: tonyc

Re: jEmplode 30 - 18/03/2002 23:43

This unattached items thing just appeared. In previous Emplode versions I didn't get this, but then again, the entire contents of my Empeg are new since then, too. I just switched to prelrease 30. The actual message is "There were 1 errors in the database (check Unattached Items.)

As for the drag and drop thing, it stalls on the first tune with no progress bars at all. I took a folder from Windows and dragged it onto the left-hand side under "Playlists" to the same place where those playlists are already (so I can have it add the new files that have appeared in that directory tree.)

Anything else?
Posted by: mschrag

Re: jEmplode 30 - 19/03/2002 00:21

Ack ... I tracked it down. Deep inside my fix for Tony's properly ordered soup playlists was an off-by-one problem that was probably resulting in your drag-n-drop failing. Building 31 now.

Posted by: mschrag

Re: jEmplode 30 - 19/03/2002 00:25

Still not sure about this database error ... Try 31 and see what happens.
Posted by: loren

Re: jEmplode 30 - 19/03/2002 00:42

I've been getting this too. Dunno why i didn't mention it. I'll try the new versoin tomorrow.
Posted by: sancho

Re: jEmplode 30 - 19/03/2002 08:22

i got this error too... and lo and behold, i had unattached items (fids that were not referenced in any playlist)...

i simply opened the unattached items "folder" and got rid of them or attached them to the proper playlists...

they were apparently holdovers from my emplode v1.03 experimental days...

Posted by: guardian__J

Re: jEmplode 30 - 19/03/2002 18:33

Keyboard shortcuts I'd like and always try to use are the old-school windows style cut/paste/copy keys with Shift/Ctrl -Insert/Delete
Posted by: tms13

Re: jEmplode 30 - 20/03/2002 07:42

What I miss is ordinary X selection handling - select with mouse-1, extend with mouse-3, paste with mouse-2.